Extbase Variable Dump
Extbase Variable Dump
HamburgerJungeJr\FeUserCards\Domain\Model\ExtendedFrontendUserprototypepersistent entity (uid=30, pid=16)
   Title_eng => protected'ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR' (19 chars)
   feUserCardsFax_eng => protected'' (0 chars)
   Konsult => protected'' (0 chars)
   feUserCardsOblast => protected'Međunarodno-pravna, Građansko-pravna, Javno-pravna i teorijska oblast i Pr
' (90 chars) feUserCardsOptions => protected'8' (1 chars) feUserCardsOblast_eng => protected'International Law, Civil Law, Public Law and Theoretical Areas and Commercia
      l Law
' (81 chars) feUserCardsPosition => protected'<p>Dr Zoran Radulović rođen je 03. maja 1958. godine. Na Pravnom fakultetu
       u Beogradu diplomirao je 1981. godine, zvanje magistra stekao je u aprilu 2
      005. godine na Pravnom fakultetu u Kragujevcu a doktorirao je u novembru 200
      8. godine na Megatrend Univerzitetu u Beogradu. Članstvo u profesionalnim u
      druženjima: Udruženje za radno pravo i socijalno osiguranje Republike Srbi
      je, Savez omladinskih i studentskih zadruga Republike Srbije, Zadružni pokr
      et Srbije. Instruktor u više projekata i seminara organizovanih od strane M
      eđunarodne organizacije rada (ILO) i Švajcarske organizcaije rada u oblast
      i: socijalni dijalog i mirno rešavanje radnih sporova.</p>
' (667 chars) feUserCardsPosition_eng => protected'<p>Dr. Zoran Radulović was born on May 3, 1958. He graduated from the Facul
      ty of Law in Belgrade in 1981, obtained his master's degree in April 2005 at
       the Faculty of Law in Kragujevac and received his doctorate in November 200
      8 from Megatrend University in Belgrade. Membership in professional associat
      ions: Association for Labor Law and Social Insurance of the Republic of Serb
      ia, Association of Youth and Student Cooperatives of the Republic of Serbia,
       Cooperative Movement of Serbia. Instructor in several projects and seminars
       organized by the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the Swiss Labor
       Organization in the field: social dialogue and peaceful settlement of labor
' (698 chars) feUserCardsSorting => protected'<ol> <li>Rad preko omladinskih i studentskih zadruga, Privrednik, br. 141 i
       142,31.8.2002, Beograd, str. 39.-40.</li> <li>Ugovor o obavljanju privreme
      nih i povremenih poslova, Radno i socijalno pravo, Zakon o radu, Udruženje
      za radno pravo i socijalno osiguranje,Beograd, 2002, br. 1-3/2002, str. 159.
      -168.</li> <li>Pravo na penzijski staž, Privrednik, br. 161 1-15.6.2003.,
      koautorski rad sa Prof.dr Brankom Šikanjićem, Viša turistička škola u B
      eogradu, Beograd, 2003, str. 40 – 43.</li> <li>Neka pitanja primene Zakon
      a o penzijskom i invalidskom osiguranju, Zbornikradova Radno pravo u uslovim
      a tranzicije, Institut za pravne i društvene nauke, Kragujevac, 2003, str 2
      05.-221.</li> <li>Doprinos za osiguranje za slučaj nezaposlenosti prilikom
       rada preko omladinske-studentske zadruge, Zbornik radova, Pravni informator
       br. 4-7/2003, lntermex, 2003, Beograd, str. 263.-279.</li> <li>Neki aspekt
      i radnog odnosa i fleksibilnih oblika rada, Zbornik radova Omladinsko (stude
      ntsko) zadrugarstvo kao fleksibilni (specifični) oblik radnog angažovanja
      mladih, Savez omladinskih i studentskih zadruga Srbije 112.-122.</li> </ol>
' (1139 chars) feUserCardsSorting_eng => protected'<ol> <li>Work through youth and student cooperatives, Privrednik, no. 141 a
      nd 142,31.8.2002, Belgrade, p. 39.-40.</li> <li>Contract for temporary and
      occasional work, Labor and Social Law, Labor Law, Association for Labor Law
      and Social Insurance, Belgrade, 2002, no. 1-3 / 2002, p. 159-168.</li> <li>
      The right to retirement age, Privrednik, no. 161 1-15.6.2003, co-authored wi
      th Prof. Dr. Branko Šikanjić, Higher School of Tourism in Belgrade, Belgra
      de, 2003, p. 40 - 43.</li> <li>Some issues of application of the Law on Pen
      sion and Disability Insurance, Proceedings of Labor Law in Transition, Insti
      tute of Legal and Social Sciences, Kragujevac, 2003, pp. 205-221.</li> <li>
      Unemployment insurance contribution when working through a youth-student coo
      perative, Proceedings, Legal Information no. 4-7 / 2003, lntermex, 2003, Bel
      grade, p. 263.-279.</li> <li>Some aspects of labor relations and flexible f
      orms of work, Proceedings Youth (student) cooperatives as a flexible (specif
      ic) form of youth employment, Association of Youth and Student Cooperatives
      of Serbia 112-122.</li> </ol>
' (1093 chars) feUserCardsMobile => protected'' (0 chars) feUserCardsMobile_eng => protectedNULL feUserCardsOption3 => protected'<ol> <li>Pravo Evropske unije, udžbenik, Visoka škola za poslovnu ekonomi
      ju i preduzetništvo, Beograd, 2010, (197 str.), </li> <li>Pravo Evropske
      unije, udžbenik, Visoka škola za poslovnu ekonomiju i preduzetništvo, Beo
      grad, 2011, drugo izmenjeno i dopunjeno izdanje (200 str.), </li> <li>Posl
      nik, drugo izmenjeno I dopunjeno izdanje, koautorsko delo sa MrIlijom Galjko
      m, Visoka poslovna škola strukovnih studija u Čačku, Čačak, 2010.<br />
        </li> </ol>
' (623 chars) feUserCardsOption3_eng => protected'<ol> <li>European Union Law, textbook, College of Business Economics and En
      trepreneurship, Belgrade, 2010, (197 pages),</li> <li>European Union Law, t
      extbook, College of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Belgrade, 2011,
       second amended edition (200 pages),</li> <li>Business law, textbook, co-au
      thored with MrIlija Galjko, Higher Business School Čačak, Čačak, 2008, (
      274 pages),</li> <li>Business law, textbook, second amended edition, co-aut
      hored with MrIlija Galjko, Business School of Vocational Studies in Čačak,
       Čačak, 2010.</li> </ol>
' (558 chars) feUserCardsPdf => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (2 items) 000000007f8dfef700000000356f8061 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=168, pid=16) uidLocal => protected267 (integer) configurationManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\ConfigurationManagersingletonobject objectManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Object\ObjectManagersingletonobjectfiltered concreteConfigurationManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\FrontendConfigurationManagersingletonobject flexFormService => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Service\FlexFormServicesingletonobject configuration => protectedarray(7 items) userFunc => 'TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Core\Bootstrap->run' (37 chars) extensionName => 'FeUserCards' (11 chars) vendorName => 'HamburgerJungeJr' (16 chars) pluginName => 'SingleFeUserCard' (16 chars) switchableControllerActions => array(1 item) FeUserCards => array(1 item)max depth settings => array(5 items) cssFile => 'EXT:fe_user_cards/Resources/Public/Css/FeUserCards.css' (54 chars) singleCssFile => 'EXT:fe_user_cards/Resources/Public/Css/Single.css' (49 chars) multipleCssFile => 'EXT:fe_user_cards/Resources/Public/Css/Multiple.css' (51 chars) userGroup => '1' (1 chars) hideImage => '0' (1 chars) persistence => array(1 item) storagePid => '16' (2 chars) contentObject => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\ContentObjectRendererprototypeobjectfiltered objectManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Object\ObjectManagersingletonobjectfiltered typoScriptService => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\TypoScript\TypoScriptServiceprototypeobject extensionName => protected'FeUserCards' (11 chars) pluginName => protected'SingleFeUserCard' (16 chars) configurationCache => protectedarray(1 item) feusercards_singlefeusercard => array(11 items) persistence => array(4 items)max depth mvc => array(2 items)max depth features => array(4 items)max depth objects => array(1 item)max depth settings => array(5 items)max depth userFunc => 'TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Core\Bootstrap->run' (37 chars) extensionName => 'FeUserCards' (11 chars) vendorName => 'HamburgerJungeJr' (16 chars) pluginName => 'SingleFeUserCard' (16 chars) switchableControllerActions => array(1 item)max depth controllerConfiguration => array(1 item)max depth environmentService => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Service\EnvironmentServicesingletonobject environmentService => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Service\EnvironmentServicesingletonobjectsee above originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected168 (integer) _localizedUid => protected168 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected168 (integer)modified pid => protected16 (integer) 000000007f8dfee700000000356f8061 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=1070, pid=16) uidLocal => protected3668 (integer) configurationManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\ConfigurationManagersingletonobjectsee above originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected1070 (integer) _localizedUid => protected1070 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected1070 (integer)modified pid => protected16 (integer) feUserCardsPdf_eng => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 000000007f8dfecf00000000356f8061 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=1069, pid=16) uidLocal => protected3669 (integer) configurationManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\ConfigurationManagersingletonobjectsee above originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected1069 (integer) _localizedUid => protected1069 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected1069 (integer)modified pid => protected16 (integer) username => protected'radulovic.zoran' (15 chars) password => protected'$argon2i$v=19$m=65536,t=16,p=2$WW5SOC95eklDZHBMLzZvbg$Dav0SdFY+rEj0hh6DMg7xt
' (97 chars) usergroup => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 000000007f8df1e700000000356f8061 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FrontendUserGroupprototypepersistent entity (uid=1, pid=16) title => protected'Nastavnici' (10 chars) lockToDomain => protected'' (0 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) subgroup => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) uid => protected1 (integer) _localizedUid => protected1 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected1 (integer)modified pid => protected16 (integer) name => protected'Radulović dr Zoran' (19 chars) firstName => protected'Zoran' (5 chars) middleName => protected'Dr' (2 chars) lastName => protected'Radulović' (10 chars) address => protected'' (0 chars) telephone => protected'' (0 chars) fax => protected'' (0 chars) email => protected'zoran.radulovic@vspep.edu.rs' (28 chars) lockToDomain => protected'' (0 chars) title => protected'VANREDNI PROFESOR' (17 chars) zip => protected'' (0 chars) city => protected'' (0 chars) country => protected'' (0 chars) www => protected'' (0 chars) company => protected'Visoka škola za poslovnu ekonomiju i preduzetništvo' (53 chars) image => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 000000007f8df10800000000356f8061 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypemodified entity (uid=1092, pid=16) uidLocal => protected3691 (integer) configurationManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\ConfigurationManagersingletonobjectsee above originalResource => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReferenceprototypeobject propertiesOfFileReference => protectedarray(33 items) uid => 1092 (integer) pid => 16 (integer) tstamp => 1593092122 (integer) crdate => 1593092122 (integer) cruser_id => 1 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sys_language_uid => 0 (integer) l10n_parent => 0 (integer) l10n_state => NULL l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) t3ver_oid => 0 (integer) t3ver_id => 0 (integer) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_wsid => 0 (integer) t3ver_state => 0 (integer) t3ver_stage => 0 (integer) t3ver_count => 0 (integer) t3ver_tstamp => 0 (integer) t3ver_move_id => 0 (integer) uid_local => 3691 (integer) uid_foreign => 30 (integer) tablenames => 'fe_users' (8 chars) fieldname => 'image' (5 chars) sorting_foreign => 1 (integer) table_local => 'sys_file' (8 chars) title => NULL description => NULL alternative => NULL link => '' (0 chars) crop => '' (0 chars) autoplay => 0 (integer) showinpreview => 0 (integer) uidOfFileReference => protectedNULL name => protectedNULL originalFile => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Fileprototypeobject metaDataLoaded => protectedTRUE metaDataProperties => protectedarray(26 items) uid => 3690 (integer) pid => 0 (integer) tstamp => 1593092111 (integer) crdate => 1593092110 (integer) cruser_id => 1 (integer) sys_language_uid => 0 (integer) l10n_parent => 0 (integer) l10n_state => NULL t3_origuid => 0 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) t3ver_oid => 0 (integer) t3ver_id => 0 (integer) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_wsid => 0 (integer) t3ver_state => 0 (integer) t3ver_stage => 0 (integer) t3ver_count => 0 (integer) t3ver_tstamp => 0 (integer) t3ver_move_id => 0 (integer) file => 3691 (integer) title => NULL width => 780 (integer) height => 810 (integer) description => NULL alternative => NULL categories => 0 (integer) indexingInProgress => protectedFALSE updatedProperties => protectedarray(empty) properties => protectedarray(15 items) uid => 3691 (integer) pid => 0 (integer) missing => 0 (integer) type => '2' (1 chars) storage => 1 (integer) identifier => '/user_upload/Zoran_Radulovic.jpg' (32 chars) identifier_hash => '863ade3113522e1269f02cc98ce9055529aab8d6' (40 chars) extension => 'jpg' (3 chars) mime_type => 'image/jpeg' (10 chars) name => 'Zoran_Radulovic.jpg' (19 chars) sha1 => '40746790850ecf3bdad2c8a0a85696f5dc238303' (40 chars) size => 246547 (integer) creation_date => 1593092111 (integer) modification_date => 1593092110 (integer) folder_hash => '19669f1e02c2f16705ec7587044c66443be70725' (40 chars) storage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ResourceStorageprototypeobject driver => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Driver\LocalDriverprototypeobject absoluteBasePath => protected'/var/www/vhosts/vspep.edu.rs/public_html/demo/fileadmin/' (56 chars) supportedHashAlgorithms => protectedarray(2 items)max depth baseUri => protected'fileadmin/' (10 chars) mappingFolderNameToRole => protectedarray(3 items)max depth charsetConversion => protectedNULL capabilities => protected15 (integer) storageUid => protected1 (integer) configuration => protectedarray(3 items)max depth storageRecord => protectedarray(17 items) uid => 1 (integer) pid => 0 (integer) tstamp => 1555418230 (integer) crdate => 1555418230 (integer) cruser_id => 0 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) description => 'This is the local fileadmin/ directory. This storage mount has been created
                        automatically by TYPO3.
' (99 chars) name => 'fileadmin/ (auto-created)' (25 chars) driver => 'Local' (5 chars) configuration => '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?> <T3FlexForms> <
                        data> <sheet index="sDEF"> <language index="lDEF">
                         <field index="basePath"> <value index="vDEF">
                        fileadmin/</value> </field> <field index="pa
                        thType"> <value index="vDEF">relative</value>
                         </field> <field index="caseSensitive">
                         <value index="vDEF">1</value> </field> </la
                        nguage> </sheet> </data> </T3FlexForms>
' (583 chars) is_default => 1 (integer) is_browsable => 1 (integer) is_public => 1 (integer) is_writable => 1 (integer) is_online => 1 (integer) auto_extract_metadata => 1 (integer) processingfolder => NULL
configuration => protectedarray(3 items) basePath => 'fileadmin/' (10 chars) pathType => 'relative' (8 chars) caseSensitive => '1' (1 chars) fileProcessingService => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Service\FileProcessingServiceprototypeobject storage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ResourceStorageprototypeobjectsee above driver => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Driver\LocalDriverprototypeobjectsee above signalSlotDispatcher => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\SignalSlot\Dispatchersingletonobjectmax depth evaluatePermissions => protectedFALSE fileMounts => protectedarray(empty) userPermissions => protectedarray(empty) capabilities => protected15 (integer) signalSlotDispatcher => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\SignalSlot\Dispatchersingletonobject isInitialized => protectedTRUE objectManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Object\ObjectManagersingletonobjectfiltered slots => protectedarray(9 items)max depth logger => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\Loggerprototypeobjectmax depth processingFolder => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Folderprototypeobject storage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ResourceStorageprototypeobjectsee above identifier => protected'/_processed_/' (13 chars) name => protected'_processed_' (11 chars) fileAndFolderNameFilters => protectedarray(empty)max depth processingFolders => protectedarray(1 item) 0 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Folderprototypeobjectsee above isOnline => protectedTRUE isDefault => protectedTRUE fileAndFolderNameFilters => protectedarray(2 items) 0 => array(2 items)max depth 1 => array(2 items)max depth
identifier => protected'/user_upload/Zoran_Radulovic.jpg' (32 chars) name => protected'Zoran_Radulovic.jpg' (19 chars) deleted => protectedFALSE
mergedProperties => protectedarray(51 items) uid => 1092 (integer) pid => 16 (integer) tstamp => 1593092122 (integer) crdate => 1593092122 (integer) cruser_id => 1 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sys_language_uid => 0 (integer) l10n_parent => 0 (integer) l10n_state => NULL l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) t3ver_oid => 0 (integer) t3ver_id => 0 (integer) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_wsid => 0 (integer) t3ver_state => 0 (integer) t3ver_stage => 0 (integer) t3ver_count => 0 (integer) t3ver_tstamp => 0 (integer) t3ver_move_id => 0 (integer) uid_local => 3691 (integer) uid_foreign => 30 (integer) tablenames => 'fe_users' (8 chars) fieldname => 'image' (5 chars) sorting_foreign => 1 (integer) table_local => 'sys_file' (8 chars) title => NULL description => NULL alternative => NULL link => '' (0 chars) crop => '' (0 chars) autoplay => 0 (integer) showinpreview => 0 (integer) missing => 0 (integer) type => '2' (1 chars) storage => 1 (integer) identifier => '/user_upload/Zoran_Radulovic.jpg' (32 chars) identifier_hash => '863ade3113522e1269f02cc98ce9055529aab8d6' (40 chars) extension => 'jpg' (3 chars) mime_type => 'image/jpeg' (10 chars) name => 'Zoran_Radulovic.jpg' (19 chars) sha1 => '40746790850ecf3bdad2c8a0a85696f5dc238303' (40 chars) size => 246547 (integer) creation_date => 1593092111 (integer) modification_date => 1593092110 (integer) folder_hash => '19669f1e02c2f16705ec7587044c66443be70725' (40 chars) t3_origuid => 0 (integer) file => 3691 (integer) width => 780 (integer) height => 810 (integer) categories => 0 (integer)
modified uid => protected1092 (integer) _localizedUid => protected1092 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected1092 (integer)modified pid => protected16 (integer)
lastlogin => protectedNULL uid => protected30 (integer) _localizedUid => protected30 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected30 (integer)modified pid => protected16 (integer)
Visoka škola PEP - Visoka škola za poslovnu ekonomiju i preduzetništvo: Profesori

Zoran Dr Radulović

Dr  Zoran Radulović

Međunarodno-pravna, Građansko-pravna, Javno-pravna i teorijska oblast i Privredno-pravna

Dr Zoran Radulović rođen je 03. maja 1958. godine. Na Pravnom fakultetu u Beogradu diplomirao je 1981. godine, zvanje magistra stekao je u aprilu 2005. godine na Pravnom fakultetu u Kragujevcu a doktorirao je u novembru 2008. godine na Megatrend Univerzitetu u Beogradu. Članstvo u profesionalnim udruženjima: Udruženje za radno pravo i socijalno osiguranje Republike Srbije, Savez omladinskih i studentskih zadruga Republike Srbije, Zadružni pokret Srbije. Instruktor u više projekata i seminara organizovanih od strane Međunarodne organizacije rada (ILO) i Švajcarske organizcaije rada u oblasti: socijalni dijalog i mirno rešavanje radnih sporova.


  1. Rad preko omladinskih i studentskih zadruga, Privrednik, br. 141 i 142,31.8.2002, Beograd, str. 39.-40.
  2. Ugovor o obavljanju privremenih i povremenih poslova, Radno i socijalno pravo, Zakon o radu, Udruženje za radno pravo i socijalno osiguranje,Beograd, 2002, br. 1-3/2002, str. 159.-168.
  3. Pravo na penzijski staž, Privrednik, br. 161 1-15.6.2003., koautorski rad sa Prof.dr Brankom Šikanjićem, Viša turistička škola u Beogradu, Beograd, 2003, str. 40 – 43.
  4. Neka pitanja primene Zakona o penzijskom i invalidskom osiguranju, Zbornikradova Radno pravo u uslovima tranzicije, Institut za pravne i društvene nauke, Kragujevac, 2003, str 205.-221.
  5. Doprinos za osiguranje za slučaj nezaposlenosti prilikom rada preko omladinske-studentske zadruge, Zbornik radova, Pravni informator br. 4-7/2003, lntermex, 2003, Beograd, str. 263.-279.
  6. Neki aspekti radnog odnosa i fleksibilnih oblika rada, Zbornik radova Omladinsko (studentsko) zadrugarstvo kao fleksibilni (specifični) oblik radnog angažovanja mladih, Savez omladinskih i studentskih zadruga Srbije 112.-122.

  1. Pravo Evropske unije, udžbenik, Visoka škola za poslovnu ekonomiju i preduzetništvo, Beograd, 2010, (197 str.), 
  2. Pravo Evropske unije, udžbenik, Visoka škola za poslovnu ekonomiju i preduzetništvo, Beograd, 2011, drugo izmenjeno i dopunjeno izdanje (200 str.), 
  3. Poslovno pravo, udžbenik, koautorsko delo sa MrIlijom Galjkom, Viša poslovna škola Čačak, Čačak, 2008, (274 str.), 
  4. Poslovno pravo, udžbenik, drugo izmenjeno I dopunjeno izdanje, koautorsko delo sa MrIlijom Galjkom, Visoka poslovna škola strukovnih studija u Čačku, Čačak, 2010.

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