Extbase Variable Dump
Extbase Variable Dump
HamburgerJungeJr\FeUserCards\Domain\Model\ExtendedFrontendUserprototypepersistent entity (uid=18, pid=16)
   Title_eng => protected'FULL PROFESSOR' (14 chars)
   feUserCardsFax_eng => protected'' (0 chars)
   Konsult => protected'' (0 chars)
   feUserCardsOblast => protected'Ekonomija i finansije' (21 chars)
   feUserCardsOptions => protected'7' (1 chars)
   feUserCardsOblast_eng => protected'Economics and finance' (21 chars)
   feUserCardsPosition => protected'<p>Prof.dr Dragan Momirović rođen je 16.05.1955.godine u selu Resnik, Soko
      banja. Srednju školu učenika u privredi u Aleksincu, završio je 1974.godi
      ne, 1982. godine završio je Ekonomski fakultet u Nišu, na kome je 1999. go
      dine odbranio magistarsku rad na temu „ Uticaj koeficijenta elastičnost t
      ražnje na cele proizvode preduzeća“ i dobio zvanje magistar ekonomskih n
      auka. 2006. godine, završio je doktorske studije na Fakultetu za menadžmen
      t u Zaječaru, na temu „Turistički potencijal kao prioriteti privrednog r
      azvoja timočkog regiona“ i dobio zvanje doktor ekonomskih nauka. Od 1975.
       – 1982. godine radi u TRO „Obuća“ Beograd , od 1982. – 2000. godin
      990. – 2000. godine Specijalna bolnica Sokobanja,<br /> od 2000.-2004. god
      ine direktor PKB Beograd, ad „Trebić“ Sokobanja, od 2004. – 2006. god
      ine direktor AD „Autopromet“ Niš. Od 2006. – 2014. godine profesor na
       Fakultetu za industrijski menadžment Beograd, od 2014 godine redovni prof
      esor na Visokoj školi za poslovnu ekonomiju i preduzetništvo, Beograd. Pro
      f.dr Dragan Momirović autor je više od 70 radova, knjiga i udžbenika.</p>
' (1292 chars) feUserCardsPosition_eng => protected'<p>Prof. Dr. Dragan Momirović was born on May 16, 1955 in the village of Re
      snik, Sokobanja. He graduated from the High School of Economics in Aleksinac
       in 1974, in 1982 he graduated from the Faculty of Economics in Nis, where i
      n 1999 he defended his master's thesis on "The impact of the coefficient of
      demand elasticity on entire products of the company" and received a master's
       degree in economics. science. In 2006, he completed his doctoral studies at
       the Faculty of Management in Zajecar, on the topic "Tourist potential as a
      priority of economic development of the Timok region" and received the title
       of Doctor of Economics. From 1975 to 1982 he worked at TRO "Obuća" Belgrad
      e, from 1982 to 2000 he was a manager, hotel manager, marketing manager at H
      TRO "Lepterija" Sokobanja, then head of non-medical service, deputy director
      , from 1990 to 2000. Sokobanja Special Hospital, from 2000-2004 Director of
      PKB Belgrade, ad "Trebic" Sokobanja, from 2004 to 2006 Director of AD "Autop
      romet" Nis. From 2006 to 2014, professor at the Faculty of Industrial Manage
      ment, Belgrade, since 2014, full professor at the College of Business Econom
      ics and Entrepreneurship, Belgrade. Prof. Dr. Dragan Momirović is the autho
      r of more than 70 papers, books and textbooks.</p>
' (1266 chars) feUserCardsSorting => protected'<ol> <li>Reform of Existing and Building of New Institutional Structure OTC
       financial derivatives market, (required for Thomson’s Book Citation Index
       in Web of Science) The manuscript of the chapter’s book “Financial Aspe
      cts of Recent Trends in the Global Economy” ISBN: 978-606-93129-5-7 Associ
      ation for Sustainable Education, Research and Science, Technical University
      of Kosice , Slovak Republic</li> <li>Synergy of central bank policy and mac
      ro-prudential policy-new “post consensus” policy of financial stability,
       The manuscript of the chapter, “Challenges to Financial Stability – Per
      spective, Models and Policies” 2014 University of Warsaw, Faculty of Manag
      ement, Poland</li> <li>EU-Banking Union – Expectations, Deficiencies, and
       Criticisms (required for Thomson’s Book Citation Indexin Web of Science)
      Book: Economic Imbalances and Institutional Changes to the Euro and the Euro
      pean Union The manuscript of the chapter 978-1-78714-510-8 Aug 2017</li> <
      li>New Architecture of Global Financial Supervision-Macroprudential Oversigh
      t Euroeconomica, ISSN: 1582- 8859, (Recognized by CNCSIS B+Category), Vol 31
      , No. 2 (2012) Danibus Univesity of Galati, Rumunija</li> <li>Basic inflati
      on corridor towards full implementation of inflation targeting strategy, BUL
      LETIN PetroleumGasUnivezitetof Ploiesti, Economic sciences serials, Rumunija
      ,1/2009. .Publication ranked CNCSIS BCategory; indexed in EconLit. EBSCO and
       DOAJ international databases</li> <li>Nestandardna monetarna politikaECB-m
      akroekonomski efekti i izlazna strategija, Bankarstvo, UDK: 336. 711 (4-672E
      U)339. 923: 061. No 6 2014 Beograd</li> <li>Inovativnost finansijske indust
      rije na tržištu kapitala Srbije-sekjuritizacija hipotekarnih kredita, UDK
      33, eISSN 2232-738X Acta Economica, Ekonomski fakultet, Banja Luka</li> <li
      >Uticaj koeficijenta elastičnosti tražnje na cene poljoprivrednih proizvod
      a, Ekonomika poljoprivrede, br. 4/2007 god. str. 429-437, UDC 631.153, Beogr
      ad </li> </ol>
' (1991 chars) feUserCardsSorting_eng => protected'<ol> <li>Reform of Existing and Building of New Institutional Structure OTC
       financial derivatives market, (required for Thomson's Book Citation Index i
      n Web of Science) The manuscript of the chapter's book “Financial Aspects
      of Recent Trends in the Global Economy” ISBN: 978-606-93129 -5-7 Associati
      on for Sustainable Education, Research and Science, Technical University of
      Kosice, Slovak Republic</li> <li>Synergy of central bank policy and macro-p
      rudential policy-new “post consensus” policy of financial stability, The
       manuscript of the chapter, “Challenges to Financial Stability - Perspecti
      ve, Models and Policies” 2014 University of Warsaw, Faculty of Management,
       Poland</li> <li>EU-Banking Union - Expectations, Deficiencies, and Critici
      sms (required for Thomson's Book Citation Indexin Web of Science) Book: Econ
      omic Imbalances and Institutional Changes to the Euro and the European Union
       The manuscript of the chapter 978-1-78714-510-8 Aug 2017</li> <li>New Arch
      itecture of Global Financial Supervision-Macroprudential Oversight Euroecono
      mica, ISSN: 1582- 8859, (Recognized by CNCSIS B + Category), Vol 31, no. 2 (
      2012) Danibus Univesity of Galati, Romania</li> <li>Basic inflation corrido
      r towards full implementation of inflation targeting strategy, BULLETIN Petr
      oleumGasUnivezitetof Ploiesti, Economic sciences serials, Romania, 1/2009. .
      Publication ranked CNCSIS BCategory; indexed in EconLit. EBSCO and DOAJ inte
      rnational databases</li> <li>Non-standard monetary policyECB-macroeconomic
      effects and exit strategy, Banking, UDC: 336. 711 (4-672EU) 339. 923: 061. N
      o 6 2014 Belgrade</li> <li>Innovation of the financial industry on the capi
      tal market of Serbia-securitization of mortgage loans, UDK 33, eISSN 2232-73
      8X Acta Economica, Faculty of Economics, Banja Luka</li> <li>Influence of d
      emand elasticity coefficient on prices of agricultural products, Ekonomika p
      oljoprivrede, iss. 4/2007 p. 429-437, UDC 631.153, Belgrade</li> </ol>
' (1970 chars) feUserCardsMobile => protected'' (0 chars) feUserCardsMobile_eng => protectedNULL feUserCardsOption3 => protected'<ol> <li>Elasticity in economy LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Saarbrücke
      n, German, 2015</li> <li>Elastičnost tražnje, knjiga, Fi&Co, Niš, 2008</
      li> <li>Elastičnost tražnje, ponude i troškova, knjiga, Fi&Co, Niš, 200
      u i preduzetništvo, Beograd 2014 </li> </ol>
' (502 chars) feUserCardsOption3_eng => protected'<ol> <li>Elasticity in economy LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Saarbrücke
      n, German, 2015</li> <li>Elasticity of demand, book, Fi & Co, Nis, 2008</li
      > <li>Elasticity of demand, supply and costs, book, Fi & Co, Nis, 2008</li>
       <li>Supply and Demand Mechanism, (co-author), book, Business School of Voc
      ational Studies, Čačak, 2009</li> <li>Momirovic. D., Cogoljević., D, Eco
      nomics, ISBN 978-86-6069-098-4 College of Business Economics and Entrepreneu
      rship, Belgrade 2014</li> </ol>
' (487 chars) feUserCardsPdf => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000031592fa00000000031e11e32 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=145, pid=16) uidLocal => protected254 (integer) configurationManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\ConfigurationManagersingletonobject objectManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Object\ObjectManagersingletonobjectfiltered concreteConfigurationManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\FrontendConfigurationManagersingletonobject flexFormService => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Service\FlexFormServicesingletonobject configuration => protectedarray(7 items) userFunc => 'TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Core\Bootstrap->run' (37 chars) extensionName => 'FeUserCards' (11 chars) vendorName => 'HamburgerJungeJr' (16 chars) pluginName => 'SingleFeUserCard' (16 chars) switchableControllerActions => array(1 item) FeUserCards => array(1 item)max depth settings => array(5 items) cssFile => 'EXT:fe_user_cards/Resources/Public/Css/FeUserCards.css' (54 chars) singleCssFile => 'EXT:fe_user_cards/Resources/Public/Css/Single.css' (49 chars) multipleCssFile => 'EXT:fe_user_cards/Resources/Public/Css/Multiple.css' (51 chars) userGroup => '1' (1 chars) hideImage => '0' (1 chars) persistence => array(1 item) storagePid => '16' (2 chars) contentObject => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\ContentObjectRendererprototypeobjectfiltered objectManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Object\ObjectManagersingletonobjectfiltered typoScriptService => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\TypoScript\TypoScriptServiceprototypeobject extensionName => protected'FeUserCards' (11 chars) pluginName => protected'SingleFeUserCard' (16 chars) configurationCache => protectedarray(1 item) feusercards_singlefeusercard => array(11 items) persistence => array(4 items)max depth mvc => array(2 items)max depth features => array(4 items)max depth objects => array(1 item)max depth settings => array(5 items)max depth userFunc => 'TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Core\Bootstrap->run' (37 chars) extensionName => 'FeUserCards' (11 chars) vendorName => 'HamburgerJungeJr' (16 chars) pluginName => 'SingleFeUserCard' (16 chars) switchableControllerActions => array(1 item)max depth controllerConfiguration => array(1 item)max depth environmentService => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Service\EnvironmentServicesingletonobject environmentService => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Service\EnvironmentServicesingletonobjectsee above originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected145 (integer) _localizedUid => protected145 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected145 (integer)modified pid => protected16 (integer) feUserCardsPdf_eng => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000031592f950000000031e11e32 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=1058, pid=16) uidLocal => protected3657 (integer) configurationManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\ConfigurationManagersingletonobjectsee above originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected1058 (integer) _localizedUid => protected1058 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected1058 (integer)modified pid => protected16 (integer) username => protected'momirovic.dragan' (16 chars) password => protected'$argon2i$v=19$m=65536,t=16,p=2$ZkxHckcuVjlRTGllbHBnSg$0S/ahi70zzUIsWO8HEm9Lr
' (97 chars) usergroup => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 00000000315920b00000000031e11e32 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FrontendUserGroupprototypepersistent entity (uid=1, pid=16) title => protected'Nastavnici' (10 chars) lockToDomain => protected'' (0 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) subgroup => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) uid => protected1 (integer) _localizedUid => protected1 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected1 (integer)modified pid => protected16 (integer) name => protected'Momirović dr Dragan' (20 chars) firstName => protected'Dragan' (6 chars) middleName => protected'Dr' (2 chars) lastName => protected'Momirović' (10 chars) address => protected'' (0 chars) telephone => protected'' (0 chars) fax => protected'' (0 chars) email => protected'dragan.momirovic@vspep.edu.rs' (29 chars) lockToDomain => protected'' (0 chars) title => protected'REDOVNI PROFESOR' (16 chars) zip => protected'' (0 chars) city => protected'' (0 chars) country => protected'' (0 chars) www => protected'' (0 chars) company => protected'Visoka poslovna škola za poslovnu ekonomiju i preduzetništvo' (62 chars) image => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 000000003159205f0000000031e11e32 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypemodified entity (uid=146, pid=16) uidLocal => protected289 (integer) configurationManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\ConfigurationManagersingletonobjectsee above originalResource => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReferenceprototypeobject propertiesOfFileReference => protectedarray(33 items) uid => 146 (integer) pid => 16 (integer) tstamp => 1595926805 (integer) crdate => 1571585501 (integer) cruser_id => 1 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sys_language_uid => 0 (integer) l10n_parent => 0 (integer) l10n_state => NULL l10n_diffsource => 'a:1:{s:6:"hidden";N;}' (21 chars) t3ver_oid => 0 (integer) t3ver_id => 0 (integer) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_wsid => 0 (integer) t3ver_state => 0 (integer) t3ver_stage => 0 (integer) t3ver_count => 0 (integer) t3ver_tstamp => 0 (integer) t3ver_move_id => 0 (integer) uid_local => 289 (integer) uid_foreign => 18 (integer) tablenames => 'fe_users' (8 chars) fieldname => 'image' (5 chars) sorting_foreign => 1 (integer) table_local => 'sys_file' (8 chars) title => NULL description => NULL alternative => NULL link => '' (0 chars) crop => '' (0 chars) autoplay => 0 (integer) showinpreview => 0 (integer) uidOfFileReference => protectedNULL name => protectedNULL originalFile => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Fileprototypeobject metaDataLoaded => protectedTRUE metaDataProperties => protectedarray(26 items) uid => 288 (integer) pid => 0 (integer) tstamp => 1571580767 (integer) crdate => 1571580763 (integer) cruser_id => 1 (integer) sys_language_uid => 0 (integer) l10n_parent => 0 (integer) l10n_state => NULL t3_origuid => 0 (integer) l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars) t3ver_oid => 0 (integer) t3ver_id => 0 (integer) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_wsid => 0 (integer) t3ver_state => 0 (integer) t3ver_stage => 0 (integer) t3ver_count => 0 (integer) t3ver_tstamp => 0 (integer) t3ver_move_id => 0 (integer) file => 289 (integer) title => NULL width => 240 (integer) height => 278 (integer) description => NULL alternative => NULL categories => 0 (integer) indexingInProgress => protectedFALSE updatedProperties => protectedarray(empty) properties => protectedarray(15 items) uid => 289 (integer) pid => 0 (integer) missing => 0 (integer) type => '2' (1 chars) storage => 1 (integer) identifier => '/user_upload/Slike_profesora/MomirovicDragan.jpg' (48 chars) identifier_hash => '91feb03ef1cd20f4f877062cd89d99fdcb09812e' (40 chars) extension => 'jpg' (3 chars) mime_type => 'image/jpeg' (10 chars) name => 'MomirovicDragan.jpg' (19 chars) sha1 => 'd498e2951de5ab87b7b30458f1b4e20a5d6f0b23' (40 chars) size => 7977 (integer) creation_date => 1571580221 (integer) modification_date => 1571579935 (integer) folder_hash => 'eb323f6a91a086111c1a8d80daf71ee49f8fefdf' (40 chars) storage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ResourceStorageprototypeobject driver => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Driver\LocalDriverprototypeobject absoluteBasePath => protected'/var/www/vhosts/vspep.edu.rs/public_html/demo/fileadmin/' (56 chars) supportedHashAlgorithms => protectedarray(2 items)max depth baseUri => protected'fileadmin/' (10 chars) mappingFolderNameToRole => protectedarray(3 items)max depth charsetConversion => protectedNULL capabilities => protected15 (integer) storageUid => protected1 (integer) configuration => protectedarray(3 items)max depth storageRecord => protectedarray(17 items) uid => 1 (integer) pid => 0 (integer) tstamp => 1555418230 (integer) crdate => 1555418230 (integer) cruser_id => 0 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) description => 'This is the local fileadmin/ directory. This storage mount has been created
                        automatically by TYPO3.
' (99 chars) name => 'fileadmin/ (auto-created)' (25 chars) driver => 'Local' (5 chars) configuration => '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?> <T3FlexForms> <
                        data> <sheet index="sDEF"> <language index="lDEF">
                         <field index="basePath"> <value index="vDEF">
                        fileadmin/</value> </field> <field index="pa
                        thType"> <value index="vDEF">relative</value>
                         </field> <field index="caseSensitive">
                         <value index="vDEF">1</value> </field> </la
                        nguage> </sheet> </data> </T3FlexForms>
' (583 chars) is_default => 1 (integer) is_browsable => 1 (integer) is_public => 1 (integer) is_writable => 1 (integer) is_online => 1 (integer) auto_extract_metadata => 1 (integer) processingfolder => NULL
configuration => protectedarray(3 items) basePath => 'fileadmin/' (10 chars) pathType => 'relative' (8 chars) caseSensitive => '1' (1 chars) fileProcessingService => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Service\FileProcessingServiceprototypeobject storage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ResourceStorageprototypeobjectsee above driver => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Driver\LocalDriverprototypeobjectsee above signalSlotDispatcher => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\SignalSlot\Dispatchersingletonobjectmax depth evaluatePermissions => protectedFALSE fileMounts => protectedarray(empty) userPermissions => protectedarray(empty) capabilities => protected15 (integer) signalSlotDispatcher => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\SignalSlot\Dispatchersingletonobject isInitialized => protectedTRUE objectManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Object\ObjectManagersingletonobjectfiltered slots => protectedarray(9 items)max depth logger => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\Loggerprototypeobjectmax depth processingFolder => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Folderprototypeobject storage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ResourceStorageprototypeobjectsee above identifier => protected'/_processed_/' (13 chars) name => protected'_processed_' (11 chars) fileAndFolderNameFilters => protectedarray(empty)max depth processingFolders => protectedarray(1 item) 0 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Folderprototypeobjectsee above isOnline => protectedTRUE isDefault => protectedTRUE fileAndFolderNameFilters => protectedarray(2 items) 0 => array(2 items)max depth 1 => array(2 items)max depth
identifier => protected'/user_upload/Slike_profesora/MomirovicDragan.jpg' (48 chars) name => protected'MomirovicDragan.jpg' (19 chars) deleted => protectedFALSE
mergedProperties => protectedarray(51 items) uid => 146 (integer) pid => 16 (integer) tstamp => 1595926805 (integer) crdate => 1571585501 (integer) cruser_id => 1 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sys_language_uid => 0 (integer) l10n_parent => 0 (integer) l10n_state => NULL l10n_diffsource => 'a:1:{s:6:"hidden";N;}' (21 chars) t3ver_oid => 0 (integer) t3ver_id => 0 (integer) t3ver_label => '' (0 chars) t3ver_wsid => 0 (integer) t3ver_state => 0 (integer) t3ver_stage => 0 (integer) t3ver_count => 0 (integer) t3ver_tstamp => 0 (integer) t3ver_move_id => 0 (integer) uid_local => 289 (integer) uid_foreign => 18 (integer) tablenames => 'fe_users' (8 chars) fieldname => 'image' (5 chars) sorting_foreign => 1 (integer) table_local => 'sys_file' (8 chars) title => NULL description => NULL alternative => NULL link => '' (0 chars) crop => '' (0 chars) autoplay => 0 (integer) showinpreview => 0 (integer) missing => 0 (integer) type => '2' (1 chars) storage => 1 (integer) identifier => '/user_upload/Slike_profesora/MomirovicDragan.jpg' (48 chars) identifier_hash => '91feb03ef1cd20f4f877062cd89d99fdcb09812e' (40 chars) extension => 'jpg' (3 chars) mime_type => 'image/jpeg' (10 chars) name => 'MomirovicDragan.jpg' (19 chars) sha1 => 'd498e2951de5ab87b7b30458f1b4e20a5d6f0b23' (40 chars) size => 7977 (integer) creation_date => 1571580221 (integer) modification_date => 1571579935 (integer) folder_hash => 'eb323f6a91a086111c1a8d80daf71ee49f8fefdf' (40 chars) t3_origuid => 0 (integer) file => 289 (integer) width => 240 (integer) height => 278 (integer) categories => 0 (integer)
modified uid => protected146 (integer) _localizedUid => protected146 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected146 (integer)modified pid => protected16 (integer)
lastlogin => protectedNULL uid => protected18 (integer) _localizedUid => protected18 (integer)modified _languageUid => protectedNULL _versionedUid => protected18 (integer)modified pid => protected16 (integer)
Visoka škola PEP - Visoka škola za poslovnu ekonomiju i preduzetništvo: Profesori

Dragan Dr Momirović

Dr  Dragan Momirović

Ekonomija i finansije

Prof.dr Dragan Momirović rođen je 16.05.1955.godine u selu Resnik, Sokobanja. Srednju školu učenika u privredi u Aleksincu, završio je 1974.godine, 1982. godine završio je Ekonomski fakultet u Nišu, na kome je 1999. godine odbranio magistarsku rad na temu „ Uticaj koeficijenta elastičnost tražnje na cele proizvode preduzeća“ i dobio zvanje magistar ekonomskih nauka. 2006. godine, završio je doktorske studije na Fakultetu za menadžment u Zaječaru, na temu „Turistički potencijal kao prioriteti privrednog razvoja timočkog regiona“ i dobio zvanje doktor ekonomskih nauka. Od 1975. – 1982. godine radi u TRO „Obuća“ Beograd , od 1982. – 2000. godine poslovođa, upravnik hotela , rukovodilac marketinga u HTRO „Lepterija“ Sokobanja, zatim rukovodilac nemedicinske službe, zamenik direktora, od 1990. – 2000. godine Specijalna bolnica Sokobanja,
od 2000.-2004. godine direktor PKB Beograd, ad „Trebić“ Sokobanja, od 2004. – 2006. godine direktor AD „Autopromet“ Niš. Od 2006. – 2014. godine profesor na Fakultetu za industrijski menadžment Beograd, od 2014 godine redovni profesor na Visokoj školi za poslovnu ekonomiju i preduzetništvo, Beograd. Prof.dr Dragan Momirović autor je više od 70 radova, knjiga i udžbenika.


  1. Reform of Existing and Building of New Institutional Structure OTC financial derivatives market, (required for Thomson’s Book Citation Index in Web of Science) The manuscript of the chapter’s book “Financial Aspects of Recent Trends in the Global Economy” ISBN: 978-606-93129-5-7 Association for Sustainable Education, Research and Science, Technical University of Kosice , Slovak Republic
  2. Synergy of central bank policy and macro-prudential policy-new “post consensus” policy of financial stability, The manuscript of the chapter, “Challenges to Financial Stability – Perspective, Models and Policies” 2014 University of Warsaw, Faculty of Management, Poland
  3. EU-Banking Union – Expectations, Deficiencies, and Criticisms (required for Thomson’s Book Citation Indexin Web of Science) Book: Economic Imbalances and Institutional Changes to the Euro and the European Union The manuscript of the chapter 978-1-78714-510-8 Aug 2017
  4. New Architecture of Global Financial Supervision-Macroprudential Oversight Euroeconomica, ISSN: 1582- 8859, (Recognized by CNCSIS B+Category), Vol 31, No. 2 (2012) Danibus Univesity of Galati, Rumunija
  5. Basic inflation corridor towards full implementation of inflation targeting strategy, BULLETIN PetroleumGasUnivezitetof Ploiesti, Economic sciences serials, Rumunija,1/2009. .Publication ranked CNCSIS BCategory; indexed in EconLit. EBSCO and DOAJ international databases
  6. Nestandardna monetarna politikaECB-makroekonomski efekti i izlazna strategija, Bankarstvo, UDK: 336. 711 (4-672EU)339. 923: 061. No 6 2014 Beograd
  7. Inovativnost finansijske industrije na tržištu kapitala Srbije-sekjuritizacija hipotekarnih kredita, UDK 33, eISSN 2232-738X Acta Economica, Ekonomski fakultet, Banja Luka
  8. Uticaj koeficijenta elastičnosti tražnje na cene poljoprivrednih proizvoda, Ekonomika poljoprivrede, br. 4/2007 god. str. 429-437, UDC 631.153, Beograd 

  1. Elasticity in economy LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, German, 2015
  2. Elastičnost tražnje, knjiga, Fi&Co, Niš, 2008
  3. Elastičnost tražnje, ponude i troškova, knjiga, Fi&Co, Niš, 2008
  4. Mehanizam ponude i tražnje,(koautor), knjiga, Visoka poslovna škola strukovnih studija, Čačak, 2009
  5. Momirović. D., Cogoljević., D , Ekonomija, ISBN 978-86-6069-098-4 Visoka škola za poslovnu ekonomiju i preduzetništvo, Beograd 2014 

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PEP 2020. Sva prava zadržana.