Students at different levels of education are required to write, edit, and defend specific professional and scientific papers. In this regard, methodological bases for writing professional and scientific papers are intended for students of the Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship in Belgrade (VŠPEP) for easier and faster preparation of works that will meet the requirements for a certain type of final papers in content, methodology and technical arrangement. .


Professional papers are a type of written works of an applied character, which indicates that their purpose is to collect, explain, verify and evaluate known facts, information and theories, as well as to view their application in the profession. There are several types of professional papers: seminar, final and diploma papers.

Seminar work is the simplest type of work. It addresses a particular topic or more complex issue of theoretical or practical nature. By developing a seminar paper, students deepen their knowledge, develop their academic literacy skills and communicate their thoughts, ideas and knowledge.

A final or project work is a professional paper that students write in basic academic studies lasting three years (180 ECTS). The topic of the paper should be clearly defined, content-based and consistent with the students' ability to cover the topic at the required professional level.

The diploma thesis is a final thesis on basic academic studies lasting four years (240 ECTS). It examines professional competence, systematic presentation of existing knowledge in science and the ability of students to work independently. By graduation, a student can demonstrate the ability to solve practical problems. That is why this type of work is wider in scope than the final work. Scientific papers can be scientific-cognitive and applied. In both cases, scientific methods are applied. Therefore, this category of work can be classified as master work.

Master's thesis is the final thesis of master's academic studies lasting one (60 ECTS) or two years (120 ECTS). A master's thesis is an independent work in which the student analyzes the selected topic in detail using scientific methods and techniques, thus proving that he has successfully mastered the curriculum of the master's academic studies, acquired the necessary knowledge and trained himself in its application. A master's thesis in methodological, analytical, stylistic and linguistic terms should be at a higher level of complexity than a master's thesis. The master's work must have originality, completeness, reliability, precision, critical analysis and scientific verifiability of the student's attitudes and results.


Instructions for writing professional and scientific papers (pdf)

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