HamburgerJungeJr\FeUserCards\Domain\Model\ExtendedFrontendUserprototypepersistent entity (uid=33, pid=16)Title_eng => protected'ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR' (19 chars)
feUserCardsFax_eng => protected'' (0 chars)
Konsult => protected'' (0 chars)
feUserCardsOblast => protected'Ekonomija' (9 chars)
feUserCardsOptions => protected'8' (1 chars)
feUserCardsOblast_eng => protected'Economics' (9 chars)
feUserCardsPosition => protected'<p>Prof. dr Aleksandra Tošović-Stevanović je doktor ekonomskih nauka, van redni profesor na Visokoj školi za poslovnu ekonomiju i preduzetništvo i n a Fakultetu društvenih nauka, Univerzitet Privredna akademija u Novom Sadu. Odlukom Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja stekla je zvanj e naučnog saradnika. Akreditovani je realizator programa stručnog usavrša vanja zaposlenih u jedinicama lokalne samouprave. Akreditovani je realizator programa stručnog usavršavanja u javnoj upravi. Spoljni je saradnik Zavod a za unapređenje obrazovanja i vaspitanja. Spoljni je saradnik Zavoda za vr ednovanje kvaliteta obrazovanja i vaspitanja. Akreditovani je recenzent viso koškolskih ustanova Republike Srbije i Republike Srpske. Angažovana je kao predavač na velikom broju projekata i seminara na temu poslovnih veštin a, poslovnog ponašanja, veština prezentovanja, konkurentskih prednosti i i novacija.Učesnik i istraživač na domaćim i međunarodnim projektima. Obj avila je veliki broj naučnih radova u domaćim i međunarodnim časopisima, a svoje naučne rezultate saopštavala je i na naučnim skupovima međunaro dnog i nacionalnog značaja. Bila je prodekan za I stepen studija na Fakulte tu za poslovne studije i direktor Centra za razvoj karijere i savetovanje st udenata Megatrend univerziteta.</p>' (1327 chars)
feUserCardsPosition_eng => protected'<p>Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Tošović-Stevanović is a doctor of economics, asso ciate professor at the College of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship an d at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Business Academy in Novi Sad. By the decision of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, she acquired the title of research associate. She is an accred ited implementer of the professional training program for employees in local self-government units. She is an accredited implementer of professional tra ining programs in public administration. She is an external associate of the Institute for the Advancement of Education and Upbringing. She is an extern al associate of the Institute for the Evaluation of the Quality of Education and Upbringing. Shee is an accredited reviewer of higher education institut ions in the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Srpska. She has been hire d as a lecturer on a large number of projects and seminars on business skill s, business behavior, presentation skills, competitive advantages and innova tions. Participant and researcher on domestic and international projects. Sh e has published a large number of scientific papers in domestic and internat ional journals, and she has announced her scientific results at scientific c onferences of international and national importance. She was the vice dean f or the first degree of studies at the Faculty of Business Studies and the di rector of the Center for Career Development and Student Counseling at Megatr end University.</p>' (1539 chars)
feUserCardsSorting => protected'<ol> <li>Tošović-Stevanović, A., Bogdanović, D. (2018) Youth unemployme nt and enterpreneurship in Serbia, Megatrend revija, Međunarodni časopis z a primenjenu ekonomiju, broj 3/2018, Megatrend univerzitet u Beogradu, ISSN 1820-3159, UDK 33.</li> <li>Tošović-Stevanović, A., Jurčić, A., Rabren ović, M. (2017). Kulturološki aspekti menadžmenta i njihov uticaj na konk urentnost zemalja, Megatrend revija, Međunarodni časopis za primenjenu eko nomiju, broj 3/2017, Megatrend univerzitet u Beogradu, ISSN 1820-3159, UDK 3 3. </li> <li>Ristanović, V., Tošović-Stevanović, A. (2016) Značaj pro grama podrške EU zemljama Zapadnog Balkana – primer Republike Srbije, Pos lovna ekonomija, Časopis za poslovnu ekonomiju, preduzetništvo i finansije , broj 2/2016, Fakultet za uslužni biznis, Sremska Kamenica, 236-250 str. ISSN 1820-6859, UDK 341.217.02/4-672EU.497.11 3:33 + 336.</li> <li>Tošovi ć-Stevanović, A., Ristanović, V. (2016). Regional development in the West ern Balkans through the support of EU projects, Megatrend revija, Međunarod ni časopis za primenjenu ekonomiju, broj 13 (2), Megatrend univerzitet u Be ogradu, ISSN 1820-3159, UDK 33. </li> <li>Rabrenović, M., Stošić, S., T
alnih kompanija, Anali ekonomskog fakulteta u Subotici, Vol. 50, broj 31/201 4, ISSN: 0350-2120, UDK 330, str. 229-242.</li> <li>Jovancai, A., Tošović -Stevanović, A. (2013). Uticaj obrazovanja radne snage na konkurentnost pre duzeća i privredni rast, Megatrend revija, Međunarodni časopis za primenj enu ekonomiju, broj 10 (4), Megatrend univerzitet u Beogradu, 83-95 str. ISS N 1820-3159, UDK 3. </li> <li>Tošović-Stevanović, A. (2012) Analiza spo ljnotrgovinskih performa...' (2777 chars)
feUserCardsSorting_eng => protected'<ol> <li>Tošović-Stevanović, A., Bogdanović, D. (2018) Youth unemployme nt and entrepreneurship in Serbia, Megatrend Review, International Journal o f Applied Economics, No. 3/2018, Megatrend University of Belgrade, ISSN 1820 -3159, UDC 33.</li> <li>Tosovic-Stevanovic, A., Jurcic, A., Rabrenovic, M. (2017). Cultural aspects of management and their impact on the competitivene ss of countries, Megatrend Review, International Journal of Applied Economic s, No. 3/2017, Megatrend University of Belgrade, ISSN 1820-3159, UDC 33.</li > <li>Ristanović, V., Tošović-Stevanović, A. (2016) The importance of E U support programs to the countries of the Western Balkans - the example of the Republic of Serbia, Business Economics, Journal of Business Economics, E ntrepreneurship and Finance, No. 2/2016, Faculty of Service Business, Sremsk a Kamenica , 236-250 pages. ISSN 1820-6859, UDC 341.217.02 / 4-672EU.497.11 3:33 + 336.</li> <li>Tosovic-Stevanovic, A., Ristanovic, V. (2016). Regiona l development in the Western Balkans through the support of EU projects, Meg atrend Review, International Journal of Applied Economics, No. 13 (2), Megat rend University of Belgrade, ISSN 1820-3159, UDC 33.</li> <li>Rabrenović, M., Stošić, S., Tošović-Stevanović A. (2015). Directions of health poli cy and management reform, informatization and raising the competitiveness of the Serbian economy, Legal Life, No. 9/2015. ISSN 0350-0500, UDC 34 (497.11 ) (05).</li> <li>Milačić, S., Tošović-Stevanović A. (2014). Selection of input strategies of multinational companies, Annals of the Faculty of Eco nomics in Subotica, Vol. 50, No. 31/2014, ISSN: 0350-2120, UDC 330, p. 229-2 42.</li> <li>Jovancai, A., Tosovic-Stevanovic, A. (2013). The impact of lab or education on enterprise competitiveness and economic growth, Megatrend Re view, International Journal of Applied Economics, No. 10 (4), Megatrend Univ ersity of Belgrade, 83-95 p. ISSN 1820-3159, UDC 3.</li> <li>Tošović-Stev anović, A. (2012) Analy...' (2799 chars)
feUserCardsMobile => protected'' (0 chars)
feUserCardsMobile_eng => protectedNULL
feUserCardsOption3 => protected'<ol> <li>Kapor, P., Tošović-Stevanović, A. (2017) Međunarodno poslovanj e, Univerzitet „Džon Nezbit“, 347 str, ISBN 978-86-7747-551-2</li> <li >Tošović-Stevanović, A. (2009) Konkurentske prednosti i inovacije, Zaduž bina Andrejević, Beograd, CIP Narodna biblioteka Srbije, 87 str, ISBN 978 -86-7244-782-8</li> </ol>' (329 chars)
feUserCardsOption3_eng => protected'<ol> <li>Kapor, P., Tošović-Stevanović, A. (2017) International Business , John Nesbit University, 347 pages, ISBN 978-86-7747-551-2</li> <li>Tošov ić-Stevanović, A. (2009) Competitive Advantages and Innovations, Andrejevi ć Endowment, Belgrade, CIP National Library of Serbia, 87 pages, ISBN 978-8 6-7244-782-8</li> </ol>' (327 chars)
feUserCardsPdf => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (2 items)0000000055a8c01e000000005b6a54f6 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=174, pid=16)uidLocal => protected272 (integer)
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Visoka škola PEP - Visoka škola za poslovnu ekonomiju i preduzetništvo: Professors
Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Tošović-Stevanović is a doctor of economics, associate professor at the College of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship and at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Business Academy in Novi Sad. By the decision of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, she acquired the title of research associate. She is an accredited implementer of the professional training program for employees in local self-government units. She is an accredited implementer of professional training programs in public administration. She is an external associate of the Institute for the Advancement of Education and Upbringing. She is an external associate of the Institute for the Evaluation of the Quality of Education and Upbringing. Shee is an accredited reviewer of higher education institutions in the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Srpska. She has been hired as a lecturer on a large number of projects and seminars on business skills, business behavior, presentation skills, competitive advantages and innovations. Participant and researcher on domestic and international projects. She has published a large number of scientific papers in domestic and international journals, and she has announced her scientific results at scientific conferences of international and national importance. She was the vice dean for the first degree of studies at the Faculty of Business Studies and the director of the Center for Career Development and Student Counseling at Megatrend University.
Tošović-Stevanović, A., Bogdanović, D. (2018) Youth unemployment and entrepreneurship in Serbia, Megatrend Review, International Journal of Applied Economics, No. 3/2018, Megatrend University of Belgrade, ISSN 1820-3159, UDC 33.
Tosovic-Stevanovic, A., Jurcic, A., Rabrenovic, M. (2017). Cultural aspects of management and their impact on the competitiveness of countries, Megatrend Review, International Journal of Applied Economics, No. 3/2017, Megatrend University of Belgrade, ISSN 1820-3159, UDC 33.
Ristanović, V., Tošović-Stevanović, A. (2016) The importance of EU support programs to the countries of the Western Balkans - the example of the Republic of Serbia, Business Economics, Journal of Business Economics, Entrepreneurship and Finance, No. 2/2016, Faculty of Service Business, Sremska Kamenica , 236-250 pages. ISSN 1820-6859, UDC 341.217.02 / 4-672EU.497.11 3:33 + 336.
Tosovic-Stevanovic, A., Ristanovic, V. (2016). Regional development in the Western Balkans through the support of EU projects, Megatrend Review, International Journal of Applied Economics, No. 13 (2), Megatrend University of Belgrade, ISSN 1820-3159, UDC 33.
Rabrenović, M., Stošić, S., Tošović-Stevanović A. (2015). Directions of health policy and management reform, informatization and raising the competitiveness of the Serbian economy, Legal Life, No. 9/2015. ISSN 0350-0500, UDC 34 (497.11) (05).
Milačić, S., Tošović-Stevanović A. (2014). Selection of input strategies of multinational companies, Annals of the Faculty of Economics in Subotica, Vol. 50, No. 31/2014, ISSN: 0350-2120, UDC 330, p. 229-242.
Jovancai, A., Tosovic-Stevanovic, A. (2013). The impact of labor education on enterprise competitiveness and economic growth, Megatrend Review, International Journal of Applied Economics, No. 10 (4), Megatrend University of Belgrade, 83-95 p. ISSN 1820-3159, UDC 3.
Tošović-Stevanović, A. (2012) Analysis of foreign trade performance of the economy based on the methodology of the International Trade Center, Business Economics, Journal of Business Economics, Entrepreneurship and Finance, No. 2, vol. XI, Faculty of Service Business, Sremska Kamenica, 315-335 p. ISSN 1820-6859, UDC 3:33 + 336.
Tošović-Stevanović, A. (2011) Comparative analysis of international competitiveness indicators, Megatrend Review, International Journal of Applied Economics, No. 8 (4), Megatrend University of Belgrade, 449-463 p. ISSN 1820-3159, UDC 33.
Tošović-Stevanović, A. (2010) High technology as a source of competitive advantages, Management - Journal of Management Theory and Practice, No. 55, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Belgrade, p. 79-87. UDC 005, ISSN 0354-8635.
Kapor, P., Tošović-Stevanović, A. (2017) International Business, John Nesbit University, 347 pages, ISBN 978-86-7747-551-2
Tošović-Stevanović, A. (2009) Competitive Advantages and Innovations, Andrejević Endowment, Belgrade, CIP National Library of Serbia, 87 pages, ISBN 978-86-7244-782-8