HamburgerJungeJr\FeUserCards\Domain\Model\ExtendedFrontendUserprototypepersistent entity (uid=21, pid=16)Title_eng => protected'ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR' (19 chars)
feUserCardsFax_eng => protected'' (0 chars)
Konsult => protected'' (0 chars)
feUserCardsOblast => protected'Menadžment i preduzetništvo' (29 chars)
feUserCardsOptions => protected'9' (1 chars)
feUserCardsOblast_eng => protected'Management and entrepreneurship' (31 chars)
feUserCardsPosition => protected'<p>Nikolić dr Miloš rođen je 22.06.1990. godine u Vranju, gde je završio osnovnu i srednju školu. godine 2014. diplomirao na Poslovnom i pravnom fa kultetu, Univerzitet-a Union „ Nikola Tesla“ – Beograd, gde je stekao akademsko zvanje Diplomirani menadžer, sa prosečnom ocenom u toku studija (9,44). Godine 2015. završio je master studije, na istom fakultetu pri, Uni verzitet-a Union „Nikola Tesla“ u Beogradu, sa prosečnom ocenom (9.86) i steko akademsko zvanje Master menadžer, odbranivši temu master rada pod nazivom „ Industrijski potencijali Pčinjskog okruga“, ocena (10). Dokto rske studije na Fakultetu za menadžment u Zaječaru, Univerzitet „Megatre nd“ Novi Beograd, završio je 22.04.2019. godine, odbranivši temu – Str ategijsko upravljanje prirodnim resursima Pčinjskog okruga u cilju ekonomsk og i ekološkog razvoja – studija slučaja grada Vranja, sa ocenom (10), i time steko akademsko zvanje – Doktor nauka – menadžment i biznis. 2020 god. Završio je i osnovne akademske studije iz oblasti Pravo, i steko akad emsko zvanje DIPLOMIRANI PRAVNIK, na Poslovnom i pravnom fakultetu, Univerzi teta Union „ Nikola Tesla“ – Beograd.<br /> </p>' (1196 chars)
feUserCardsPosition_eng => protected'<p>Dr. Miloš Nikolić was born on June 22, 1990. in Vranje, where he finish ed primary and secondary school. In 2014, he graduated from the Faculty of B usiness and Law, Union University "Nikola Tesla" - Belgrade, where he obtain ed the academic title of Graduate Manager, with an average grade during his studies (9.44). In 2015, he completed his master's studies at the same facul ty at the Union University "Nikola Tesla" in Belgrade, with an average grade (9.86) and acquired the academic title of Master Manager, defending the top ic of master's thesis entitled "Industrial Potentials of Pcinja District". M ark 10). He completed his doctoral studies at the Faculty of Management in Z ajecar, Megatrend University New Belgrade, on April 22, 2019. year, defendin g the topic - Strategic management of natural resources of Pcinja district f or economic and environmental development - case study of the city of Vranje , with a grade of (10), and thus gained the academic title - Doctor of Scien ce - Management and Business. 2020 He also completed basic academic studies in the field of Law, and acquired the academic title of GRADUATE LAWYER, at the Faculty of Business and Law, Union University "Nikola Tesla" - Belgrade. </p>' (1220 chars)
feUserCardsSorting => protected'<ol> <li>Miloš Nikolić, Milan Gavrilović, Edita Kastratović, (septembar , 2019.god. ), „ Ekonomske i društvene prednosti OIE – poretačke sna ge zelene ekonomije u Srbiji “, ECOLOGICA, Vol.27, No 95., ISSN 0354 – 3 285, COBISS.SR – ID 80263175.</li> <li>Marija Đekić, Miloš Nikolić, T amara Vesić, „ (18.07.2019.), Challenges and Perspectives of Development of Private Pension Funds in Serbia“ INSTITUTE OF ECONOMIC SCIENCES, ECONOM IK ANALYSIS Vol.52, ISSN 1821–2573, ISSN 2560-3949 (online), pp.69 – 80.
časopis je indeksiran : CEEOL.</li> <li>Miloš Nikolić, Tamara Vesić, M
Dr. Miloš Nikolić was born on June 22, 1990. in Vranje, where he finished primary and secondary school. In 2014, he graduated from the Faculty of Business and Law, Union University "Nikola Tesla" - Belgrade, where he obtained the academic title of Graduate Manager, with an average grade during his studies (9.44). In 2015, he completed his master's studies at the same faculty at the Union University "Nikola Tesla" in Belgrade, with an average grade (9.86) and acquired the academic title of Master Manager, defending the topic of master's thesis entitled "Industrial Potentials of Pcinja District". Mark 10). He completed his doctoral studies at the Faculty of Management in Zajecar, Megatrend University New Belgrade, on April 22, 2019. year, defending the topic - Strategic management of natural resources of Pcinja district for economic and environmental development - case study of the city of Vranje, with a grade of (10), and thus gained the academic title - Doctor of Science - Management and Business. 2020 He also completed basic academic studies in the field of Law, and acquired the academic title of GRADUATE LAWYER, at the Faculty of Business and Law, Union University "Nikola Tesla" - Belgrade.
Miloš Nikolić, Milan Gavrilović, Edita Kastratović, (September, 2019), "Economic and social advantages of RES - the driving force of the green economy in Serbia", ECOLOGICA, Vol.27, No 95., ISSN 0354 - 3285, COBISS. SR - ID 80263175.
Marija Đekić, Miloš Nikolić, Tamara Vesić, „(July 18, 2019), Challenges and Perspectives of Development of Private Pension Funds in Serbia“ INSTITUTE OF ECONOMIC SCIENCES, ECONOMIK ANALYSIS Vol.52, ISSN 1821–2573, ISSN 2560-3949 ( online), pp.69 - 80.
Marija Đekić, Miloš Nikolić, Raica Milićević, “Causes, Appearances and Representation of the Gray Economy with a Look at Serbia” EKONOMIKA, ISSN 0350 - 137X, EISSN 2334-9190, UDC 338. Vol.65., P.p. 103–114 Sep 2019. Niš, the journal is indexed: CEEOL.
Miloš Nikolić, Tamara Vesić, Maja Cogoljević, “Influence of strategic development of modern technologies on competitiveness factors and economic growth”, EKONOMIKA, ISSN 0350- 137X, EISSN 2334-9190, UDC 338 (497,1), pp.47-57. (January-April. - 2019)., The journal is indexed: CEEOL.
Miloš Nikolić, Tamara Vesić, Maja Cogoljević, Biljana Ilić, (January-March, 2018). "Knowledge management with the aim of preventing ecological crisis", ECOLOGICA, Vol.25, No 89., ISSN 0354 - 3285, COBISS.SR - ID 80263175, UDC: 502.7.
Miloš Nikolić, Marija Marković Blagojević, Dušan Jerotijević, "Strategic human resource management in order to improve information technologies", Business Trends, ISSN 2334-816X, eISSN 2334-8356.2019. pp., (45-56)
Dragan Mihajlović, Miloš Nikolić, Biljana Ilić, Ljiljana Stošić Mihajlović, (December 2017), "The importance of energy resources for sustainable economic development and environmental protection", ECOLOGICA, Vol.24, No 88., ISSN 0354 - 3285, COBISS.SR - ID 80263175.
Dragan Mihajlović, Miloš Nikolić, „Analysis of financial balance as a basis for company management, EKONOMIKA, ISSN 0350 - 137X, EISSN 2334-9190, UDK 338, 497,1, Vol 61, January-March, 2015 Niš. the journal is indexed: CEEOL.
Miloš Nikolić, Tamara Vesić, Milan Gavrilović, “The Role and Significance of Modern Information Technology Management”, Business Trends, ISSN 2334-816X, eISSN 2334-8356, June, 2019. Kruševac. pp.31-37, SCIndeks, DOAJ, the journal is indexed.
Ljiljana Stošić Mihajlović, Miloš Nikolić, “Social Entrepreneurship Supported by a Creative Economy”, EKONOMIKA, ISSN 0350- 137X, EISSN 2334-9190, UDK 338 (497,1), (December - 2017) .pp.75-89, the journal is indexed : CEEOL.