HamburgerJungeJr\FeUserCards\Domain\Model\ExtendedFrontendUserprototypepersistent entity (uid=19, pid=16)
Title_eng => protected'ASSISTANT PROFESSOR' (19 chars)
feUserCardsFax_eng => protected'' (0 chars)
Konsult => protected'' (0 chars)
feUserCardsOblast => protectedNULL
feUserCardsOptions => protected'9' (1 chars)
feUserCardsOblast_eng => protectedNULL
feUserCardsPosition => protected'<p>Snežana Moretić-Mićić, osnovnu školu i gimnaziju završila u Loznici
, Kembridžu (Engleska) i Bornmutu (Engleska). Diplomirala na osnovnim studi
jama, odbranila magistarski rad i doktorsku disertaciju na Filološkom fakul
tetu, Univerziteta u Beogradu. Predavač engleskog jezika prosvetnih i akade
mskih institucija, kao i stručnih jezičkih instituta, kontinuirano od 1993
. Prevodilac i inokorespondent engleskog jezika aktivno od 1998.<br /> (Međ
unarodna asocijacija prevodilaca - FIT, Pariz, Francuska). Sudski tumač - M
inistarstvo pravde RS, stalni angažman od 2002. Recenzent udžbenika za eng
leski jezik, angažovana u Oxford centru i Ministarstvu prosvete RS, od 2012
. Učestvovala na domaćim i međunarodnim naučnim skupovima, ukupno 28 do
sada. Trenutno ima izbor u zvanje docenta i poziciju menadžera za predmet E
ngleski jezik na Visokoj školi za poslovnu ekonomiju i preduzetništvo, Beo
grad od 2016. Član je više akademskih i stručnih, nacionalnih i međunaro
dnih udruženja.</p>' (1008 chars)
feUserCardsPosition_eng => protectedNULL
feUserCardsSorting => protected'<p><b id="docs-internal-guid-7342255e-7fff-c0b3-cd56-f909ffcf979c">Udžbenik
<ol> <li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation"><b id="doc
s-internal-guid-7342255e-7fff-c0b3-cd56-f909ffcf979c">Milivojević, Vesna, S
oka škola za poslovnu ekonomiju i preduzetništvo, Beograd: 2020.</b></p>
</li> </ol>
<ol start="2"> <li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation
"><b id="docs-internal-guid-7342255e-7fff-c0b3-cd56-f909ffcf979c">Moretić-M
ićić, dr Snežana, K. Petrić, V. Milivojević. BUSINESS ENGLISH WITH CORR
ESPONDENCE 2, Visoka škola za poslovnu ekonomiju i preduzetništvo, Beograd
: 2019</b></p> </li> </ol>
<p> </p>
<p dir="ltr"><b id="docs-internal-gu
id-7342255e-7fff-c0b3-cd56-f909ffcf979c">Stručni i naučni radovi: </b></p
<ol start="3"> <li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation"><b id="d
ocs-internal-guid-7342255e-7fff-c0b3-cd56-f909ffcf979c">Moretić- Mićić, S
nežana: “Personal Perspectives in Public Mirrors: Margaret Atwood’s Sho
rt Stories in Drama Screenplays”, Zbornik radova Osme međunarodne konfere
ncije Kanadskih studija, Canada 150 Filmed, Filološki fakultet, Beograd, ap
ril, 2017,Eds. J. Novaković and Vesna Lopicic.- Beograd, Filološki fakulte
t, Univerzitet u Beograd: Srpska asocijacija za kanadske studije, 2019, str.
99-110.</b></p> </li> <li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation"><b
id="docs-internal-guid-7342255e-7fff-c0b3-cd56-f909ffcf979c">Moretić- Mić
ić, Snežana: “Renaissance” of Anglophone Short Stories in Canadian Pos
tmodern Literature”, Zbornik radova Sedme međunarodne konferencije Kanads
eograd, Filološki fakultet, Univerzitet u Beograd: Srpska asocijacija za ka
nadske studije, 2017, str. 195-204.</b></p> </li> </ol>
<ol start="5"> <l
i dir="ltr"> <p dir="lt...' (9075 chars)
feUserCardsSorting_eng => protectedNULL
feUserCardsMobile => protected'' (0 chars)
feUserCardsMobile_eng => protectedNULL
feUserCardsOption3 => protectedNULL
feUserCardsOption3_eng => protectedNULL
feUserCardsPdf => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items)
0000000044779db8000000001093305d => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=147, pid=16)
uidLocal => protected255 (integer)
configurationManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\ConfigurationManagersingletonobject
objectManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Object\ObjectManagersingletonobjectfiltered
concreteConfigurationManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\FrontendConfigurationManagersingletonobject
flexFormService => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Service\FlexFormServicesingletonobject
configuration => protectedarray(7 items)
userFunc => 'TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Core\Bootstrap->run' (37 chars)
extensionName => 'FeUserCards' (11 chars)
vendorName => 'HamburgerJungeJr' (16 chars)
pluginName => 'SingleFeUserCard' (16 chars)
switchableControllerActions => array(1 item)
FeUserCards => array(1 item)max depth
settings => array(5 items)
cssFile => 'EXT:fe_user_cards/Resources/Public/Css/FeUserCards.css' (54 chars)
singleCssFile => 'EXT:fe_user_cards/Resources/Public/Css/Single.css' (49 chars)
multipleCssFile => 'EXT:fe_user_cards/Resources/Public/Css/Multiple.css' (51 chars)
userGroup => '1' (1 chars)
hideImage => '0' (1 chars)
persistence => array(1 item)
storagePid => '16' (2 chars)
contentObject => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\ContentObjectRendererprototypeobjectfiltered
objectManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Object\ObjectManagersingletonobjectfiltered
typoScriptService => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\TypoScript\TypoScriptServiceprototypeobject
extensionName => protected'FeUserCards' (11 chars)
pluginName => protected'SingleFeUserCard' (16 chars)
configurationCache => protectedarray(1 item)
feusercards_singlefeusercard => array(11 items)
persistence => array(4 items)max depth
mvc => array(2 items)max depth
features => array(4 items)max depth
objects => array(1 item)max depth
settings => array(5 items)max depth
userFunc => 'TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Core\Bootstrap->run' (37 chars)
extensionName => 'FeUserCards' (11 chars)
vendorName => 'HamburgerJungeJr' (16 chars)
pluginName => 'SingleFeUserCard' (16 chars)
switchableControllerActions => array(1 item)max depth
controllerConfiguration => array(1 item)max depth
environmentService => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Service\EnvironmentServicesingletonobject
environmentService => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Service\EnvironmentServicesingletonobjectsee above
originalResource => protectedNULL
uid => protected147 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected147 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected147 (integer)modified
pid => protected16 (integer)
feUserCardsPdf_eng => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty)
username => protected'moretic.micic.snezana' (21 chars)
password => protected'$argon2i$v=19$m=65536,t=16,p=2$OWVVZkR3LzFsZk1HcVNpWA$Y9CzCMnDdEDhapN+2Aj9Qm
Juxi1BHb0cQolMmwglvTo' (97 chars)
usergroup => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items)
0000000044779ef8000000001093305d => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FrontendUserGroupprototypepersistent entity (uid=1, pid=16)
title => protected'Nastavnici' (10 chars)
lockToDomain => protected'' (0 chars)
description => protected'' (0 chars)
subgroup => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty)
uid => protected1 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected1 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protectedNULL
_versionedUid => protected1 (integer)modified
pid => protected16 (integer)
name => protected'Moretić-Mićić dr Snežana' (28 chars)
firstName => protected'Snežana' (8 chars)
middleName => protected'Dr' (2 chars)
lastName => protected'Moretić Mićić' (16 chars)
address => protected'' (0 chars)
telephone => protected'' (0 chars)
fax => protected'' (0 chars)
email => protected'' (34 chars)
lockToDomain => protected'' (0 chars)
title => protected'DOCENT' (6 chars)
zip => protected'' (0 chars)
city => protected'' (0 chars)
country => protected'' (0 chars)
www => protected'' (0 chars)
company => protected'Visoka škola za poslovnu ekonomiju i preduzetništvo' (53 chars)
image => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items)
0000000044779e27000000001093305d => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypemodified entity (uid=986, pid=16)
uidLocal => protected3587 (integer)
configurationManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\ConfigurationManagersingletonobjectsee above
originalResource => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReferenceprototypeobject
propertiesOfFileReference => protectedarray(33 items)
uid => 986 (integer)
pid => 16 (integer)
tstamp => 1600326807 (integer)
crdate => 1592848720 (integer)
cruser_id => 1 (integer)
deleted => 0 (integer)
hidden => 0 (integer)
sys_language_uid => 0 (integer)
l10n_parent => 0 (integer)
l10n_state => NULL
l10n_diffsource => 'a:5:{s:5:"title";N;s:11:"description";N;s:9:"uid_local";N;s:6:"hidden";N;s:1
6:"sys_language_uid";N;}' (100 chars)
t3ver_oid => 0 (integer)
t3ver_id => 0 (integer)
t3ver_label => '' (0 chars)
t3ver_wsid => 0 (integer)
t3ver_state => 0 (integer)
t3ver_stage => 0 (integer)
t3ver_count => 0 (integer)
t3ver_tstamp => 0 (integer)
t3ver_move_id => 0 (integer)
uid_local => 3587 (integer)
uid_foreign => 19 (integer)
tablenames => 'fe_users' (8 chars)
fieldname => 'image' (5 chars)
sorting_foreign => 1 (integer)
table_local => 'sys_file' (8 chars)
title => NULL
description => NULL
alternative => NULL
link => '' (0 chars)
crop => '' (0 chars)
autoplay => 0 (integer)
showinpreview => 0 (integer)
uidOfFileReference => protectedNULL
name => protectedNULL
originalFile => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Fileprototypeobject
metaDataLoaded => protectedTRUE
metaDataProperties => protectedarray(26 items)
uid => 3586 (integer)
pid => 0 (integer)
tstamp => 1592846122 (integer)
crdate => 1592846009 (integer)
cruser_id => 1 (integer)
sys_language_uid => 0 (integer)
l10n_parent => 0 (integer)
l10n_state => NULL
t3_origuid => 0 (integer)
l10n_diffsource => '' (0 chars)
t3ver_oid => 0 (integer)
t3ver_id => 0 (integer)
t3ver_label => '' (0 chars)
t3ver_wsid => 0 (integer)
t3ver_state => 0 (integer)
t3ver_stage => 0 (integer)
t3ver_count => 0 (integer)
t3ver_tstamp => 0 (integer)
t3ver_move_id => 0 (integer)
file => 3587 (integer)
title => NULL
width => 780 (integer)
height => 810 (integer)
description => NULL
alternative => NULL
categories => 0 (integer)
indexingInProgress => protectedFALSE
updatedProperties => protectedarray(empty)
properties => protectedarray(15 items)
uid => 3587 (integer)
pid => 0 (integer)
missing => 0 (integer)
type => '2' (1 chars)
storage => 1 (integer)
identifier => '/user_upload/Slike_profesora/kadrirano/Snezana_Moretic_Micic_vspep_profesor_
biografija.jpg' (90 chars)
identifier_hash => 'fb70a5c6720fadbadfad69bb6a49f55d2df720c2' (40 chars)
extension => 'jpg' (3 chars)
mime_type => 'image/jpeg' (10 chars)
name => 'Snezana_Moretic_Micic_vspep_profesor_biografija.jpg' (51 chars)
sha1 => '6342a840a171d163dbb840ff15f55aceac56531c' (40 chars)
size => 425691 (integer)
creation_date => 1592846009 (integer)
modification_date => 1592846009 (integer)
folder_hash => '1c680dd1e404dc46fc10862887a23dfc36e0b72f' (40 chars)
storage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ResourceStorageprototypeobject
driver => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Driver\LocalDriverprototypeobject
absoluteBasePath => protected'/var/www/vhosts/' (56 chars)
supportedHashAlgorithms => protectedarray(2 items)max depth
baseUri => protected'fileadmin/' (10 chars)
mappingFolderNameToRole => protectedarray(3 items)max depth
charsetConversion => protectedNULL
capabilities => protected15 (integer)
storageUid => protected1 (integer)
configuration => protectedarray(3 items)max depth
storageRecord => protectedarray(17 items)
uid => 1 (integer)
pid => 0 (integer)
tstamp => 1555418230 (integer)
crdate => 1555418230 (integer)
cruser_id => 0 (integer)
deleted => 0 (integer)
description => 'This is the local fileadmin/ directory. This storage mount has been created
automatically by TYPO3.' (99 chars)
name => 'fileadmin/ (auto-created)' (25 chars)
driver => 'Local' (5 chars)
configuration => '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<sheet index="sDEF">
<language index="lDEF">
<field index="basePath">
<value index="vDEF">
<field index="pa
<value index="vDEF">relative</value>
<field index="caseSensitive">
<value index="vDEF">1</value>
</T3FlexForms>' (583 chars)
is_default => 1 (integer)
is_browsable => 1 (integer)
is_public => 1 (integer)
is_writable => 1 (integer)
is_online => 1 (integer)
auto_extract_metadata => 1 (integer)
processingfolder => NULL
configuration => protectedarray(3 items)
basePath => 'fileadmin/' (10 chars)
pathType => 'relative' (8 chars)
caseSensitive => '1' (1 chars)
fileProcessingService => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Service\FileProcessingServiceprototypeobject
storage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ResourceStorageprototypeobjectsee above
driver => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Driver\LocalDriverprototypeobjectsee above
signalSlotDispatcher => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\SignalSlot\Dispatchersingletonobjectmax depth
evaluatePermissions => protectedFALSE
fileMounts => protectedarray(empty)
userPermissions => protectedarray(empty)
capabilities => protected15 (integer)
signalSlotDispatcher => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\SignalSlot\Dispatchersingletonobject
isInitialized => protectedTRUE
objectManager => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Object\ObjectManagersingletonobjectfiltered
slots => protectedarray(9 items)max depth
logger => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\Loggerprototypeobjectmax depth
processingFolder => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Folderprototypeobject
storage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ResourceStorageprototypeobjectsee above
identifier => protected'/_processed_/' (13 chars)
name => protected'_processed_' (11 chars)
fileAndFolderNameFilters => protectedarray(empty)max depth
processingFolders => protectedarray(1 item)
0 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Folderprototypeobjectsee above
isOnline => protectedTRUE
isDefault => protectedTRUE
fileAndFolderNameFilters => protectedarray(2 items)
0 => array(2 items)max depth
1 => array(2 items)max depth
identifier => protected'/user_upload/Slike_profesora/kadrirano/Snezana_Moretic_Micic_vspep_profesor_
biografija.jpg' (90 chars)
name => protected'Snezana_Moretic_Micic_vspep_profesor_biografija.jpg' (51 chars)
deleted => protectedFALSE
mergedProperties => protectedarray(51 items)
uid => 986 (integer)
pid => 16 (integer)
tstamp => 1600326807 (integer)
crdate => 1592848720 (integer)
cruser_id => 1 (integer)
deleted => 0 (integer)
hidden => 0 (integer)
sys_language_uid => 0 (integer)
l10n_parent => 0 (integer)
l10n_state => NULL
l10n_diffsource => 'a:5:{s:5:"title";N;s:11:"description";N;s:9:"uid_local";N;s:6:"hidden";N;s:1
6:"sys_language_uid";N;}' (100 chars)
t3ver_oid => 0 (integer)
t3ver_id => 0 (integer)
t3ver_label => '' (0 chars)
t3ver_wsid => 0 (integer)
t3ver_state => 0 (integer)
t3ver_stage => 0 (integer)
t3ver_count => 0 (integer)
t3ver_tstamp => 0 (integer)
t3ver_move_id => 0 (integer)
uid_local => 3587 (integer)
uid_foreign => 19 (integer)
tablenames => 'fe_users' (8 chars)
fieldname => 'image' (5 chars)
sorting_foreign => 1 (integer)
table_local => 'sys_file' (8 chars)
title => NULL
description => NULL
alternative => NULL
link => '' (0 chars)
crop => '' (0 chars)
autoplay => 0 (integer)
showinpreview => 0 (integer)
missing => 0 (integer)
type => '2' (1 chars)
storage => 1 (integer)
identifier => '/user_upload/Slike_profesora/kadrirano/Snezana_Moretic_Micic_vspep_profesor_
biografija.jpg' (90 chars)
identifier_hash => 'fb70a5c6720fadbadfad69bb6a49f55d2df720c2' (40 chars)
extension => 'jpg' (3 chars)
mime_type => 'image/jpeg' (10 chars)
name => 'Snezana_Moretic_Micic_vspep_profesor_biografija.jpg' (51 chars)
sha1 => '6342a840a171d163dbb840ff15f55aceac56531c' (40 chars)
size => 425691 (integer)
creation_date => 1592846009 (integer)
modification_date => 1592846009 (integer)
folder_hash => '1c680dd1e404dc46fc10862887a23dfc36e0b72f' (40 chars)
t3_origuid => 0 (integer)
file => 3587 (integer)
width => 780 (integer)
height => 810 (integer)
categories => 0 (integer)modified
uid => protected986 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected986 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected986 (integer)modified
pid => protected16 (integer)
lastlogin => protectedNULL
uid => protected19 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected19 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protectedNULL
_versionedUid => protected19 (integer)modified
pid => protected16 (integer)