HamburgerJungeJr\FeUserCards\Domain\Model\ExtendedFrontendUserprototypepersistent entity (uid=5, pid=16)Title_eng => protected'ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR' (19 chars)
feUserCardsFax_eng => protected'Council President' (17 chars)
Konsult => protected'<p>sgdsgdsgdsgdsg</p>' (21 chars)
feUserCardsOblast => protected'Ekonomija i finansije' (21 chars)
feUserCardsOptions => protected'3' (1 chars)
feUserCardsOblast_eng => protected'Economics and finance' (21 chars)
feUserCardsPosition => protected'<p>Milan Gavrilović rođen je 1982. godine u Beogradu. Od 2018. Predsedava savetom, vrši nadzor i obavlja upravljačke i strateške poslove Visoke š kole za poslovnu ekonomiju i preduzetništvo Beograd. Diplomirani je ekono mista na Fakultetu za poslovne studije, Megatrend univerzitet, u Beogradu od 2008. godine, da bi zatim postao magistar ekonomskih nauka na Fakultetu za turizam i ugostiteljstvo, Univerzitet SV. Kliment Ohridski, u Bitolju, Make doniji. Doktorirao je ekonomske nauke na Ekonomskom fakultetu, na Univerzit etu za poslovni inženjering i menadžment u Banja Luci. Sa Visokom školom za poslovnu ekonomiju i preduzetništvo sarađuje kao referent Studentske s lužbe od 2011. godine, a trenutno radi kao docent na istoj Školi. </p>' (757 chars)
feUserCardsPosition_eng => protected'<p>Milan Gavrilović was born in 1982 in Belgrade. Since 2018, he has been c hairing the council, supervising and performing management and strategic tas ks at the Belgrade School of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship. He gra duated as an economist at the Faculty of Business Studies, Megatrend Univers ity, in Belgrade in 2008, and then became a Master of Economics at the Facul ty of Tourism and Hospitality, University of St. Kliment Ohridski, in Bitola , Macedonia. He holds a PhD in economics from the Faculty of Economics, and from the University of Business Engineering and Management in Banja Luka. He has been cooperating with the Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneu rship as a student service officer since 2011, and currently works as an ass istant professor at the same School.</p>' (800 chars)
feUserCardsSorting => protected'<ol> <li>Kljenak, D. V., Lukic, R., Gavric, G., & Gavrilovic, M. (2019). Th e operative profit margin and interest cost in retail food. Economics of Agr iculture, 66(3), 799-810.</li> <li>Gavrić G., Gavrilović M., Vojteški Kl jenak D., (2019), Inovativnost-ključ razvoja sektora MSP (Innovation-The cr ucial Factor of SMEs development), 21 Nacionalni naučno stručni skup Siste m kvaliteta uslov za uspešno poslovanje i konkurentnost, Kopaonik.</li> <l i>Vesić, T., Gavrilović, M., & Petronijević, J. (2019). The influence of liquidity and profitability on the banking sector performances: The example of Serbia. International Review, (1-2), 75-81.</li> <li>Miloš Nikolić, Mi lan Gavrilović, Edita Kastratović (2019). Ekonomske i društvene prednosti primene obnovljivih izvora energije - pokretačke snage zelene ekonomije u Srbiji, Ecologica, 95 (3), 415-420.</li> <li>Dušan Cogoljević, Milan Gavr ilović, Miloš Roganović, Ivana Matić, Ivan Piljan, (2018). Analyzing of consumer price index influence on inflation by multiple linear regression, P hysica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Elsevier, Volume 505, Pages 941-944.</li> <li>Vojteski, D., Gavrilovic, M., Vesic, T., (2018). Em isija ugljendioksida u trgovini selektivnih zemalja, Ecologica 90 (2), 275-2 81.</li> <li>Gavrilovic, M., & Zimonjic, S. (2017). Technical analysis as a method of predicting price movements and future market trends. FINANCE, BAN
ravljanje referentnom kamatnom stopom , Nauka i praksa poslovnih studija, Th e Fifth International Academic Conference, 15th September, 2017. - Banja Luk a , University of Business Studies, str. 392-399.</li> <li>Roganović, M., Popović, J. Gavrilović, M. (2017). Expansion of protectionist measures as a result of the global economic crisis, Poslovna ekonomija 11 (1), 30-46.</l i> <li> Gavric Gordana...' (3448 chars)
feUserCardsSorting_eng => protected'<ol> <li>Kljenak, D. V., Lukic, R., Gavric, G., & Gavrilovic, M. (2019). Th e operative profit margin and interest cost in retail food. Economics of Agr iculture, 66 (3), 799-810.</li> <li>Gavrić G., Gavrilović M., Vojteški K ljenak D., (2019), Innovation-the key factor of SMEs development, 21 Nationa l scientific-professional conference Quality system condition for successful business and competitiveness, Kopaonik.</li> <li>Vesić, T., Gavrilović, M., & Petronijević, J. (2019). The influence of liquidity and profitability on the banking sector performances: The example of Serbia. International Re view, (1-2), 75-81.</li> <li>Milos Nikolic, Milan Gavrilovic, Edita Kastrat ovic (2019). Economic and social advantages of the application of renewable energy sources - the driving forces of the green economy in Serbia, Ecologic a, 95 (3), 415-420.</li> <li>Dušan Cogoljević, Milan Gavrilović, Miloš Roganović, Ivana Matić, Ivan Piljan, (2018). Analyzing consumer price inde x influence on inflation by multiple linear regression, Physica A: Statistic al Mechanics and its Applications, Elsevier, Volume 505, Pages 941-944.</li> <li>Vojteski, D., Gavrilovic, M., Vesic, T., (2018). Carbon dioxide emissi ons in trade of selective countries, Ecologica 90 (2), 275-281.</li> <li>Ga vrilovic, M., & Zimonjic, S. (2017). Technical analysis as a method of predi cting price movements and future market trends. FINANCE, BANKING AND INSURAN CE, 26-47.</li> <li>Milan Gavrilović, Tamara Vesić, Miloš Nikolić, Impl ementing the Monetary Policy of the Central Bank with a Review of Managing t he Reference Interest Rate, Science and Practice of Business Studies, The Fi fth International Academic Conference, 15th September, 2017. - Banja Luka, U
Milan Gavrilović was born in 1982 in Belgrade. Since 2018, he has been chairing the council, supervising and performing management and strategic tasks at the Belgrade School of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship. He graduated as an economist at the Faculty of Business Studies, Megatrend University, in Belgrade in 2008, and then became a Master of Economics at the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, University of St. Kliment Ohridski, in Bitola, Macedonia. He holds a PhD in economics from the Faculty of Economics, and from the University of Business Engineering and Management in Banja Luka. He has been cooperating with the Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship as a student service officer since 2011, and currently works as an assistant professor at the same School.
Kljenak, D. V., Lukic, R., Gavric, G., & Gavrilovic, M. (2019). The operative profit margin and interest cost in retail food. Economics of Agriculture, 66 (3), 799-810.
Gavrić G., Gavrilović M., Vojteški Kljenak D., (2019), Innovation-the key factor of SMEs development, 21 National scientific-professional conference Quality system condition for successful business and competitiveness, Kopaonik.
Vesić, T., Gavrilović, M., & Petronijević, J. (2019). The influence of liquidity and profitability on the banking sector performances: The example of Serbia. International Review, (1-2), 75-81.
Milos Nikolic, Milan Gavrilovic, Edita Kastratovic (2019). Economic and social advantages of the application of renewable energy sources - the driving forces of the green economy in Serbia, Ecologica, 95 (3), 415-420.
Dušan Cogoljević, Milan Gavrilović, Miloš Roganović, Ivana Matić, Ivan Piljan, (2018). Analyzing consumer price index influence on inflation by multiple linear regression, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Elsevier, Volume 505, Pages 941-944.
Vojteski, D., Gavrilovic, M., Vesic, T., (2018). Carbon dioxide emissions in trade of selective countries, Ecologica 90 (2), 275-281.
Gavrilovic, M., & Zimonjic, S. (2017). Technical analysis as a method of predicting price movements and future market trends. FINANCE, BANKING AND INSURANCE, 26-47.
Milan Gavrilović, Tamara Vesić, Miloš Nikolić, Implementing the Monetary Policy of the Central Bank with a Review of Managing the Reference Interest Rate, Science and Practice of Business Studies, The Fifth International Academic Conference, 15th September, 2017. - Banja Luka, University of Business Studies, p. 392-399.
Roganović, M., Popović, J. Gavrilović, M. (2017). Expansion of protectionist measures as a result of the global economic crisis, Poslovna ekonomija 11 (1), 30-46.
Gavric Gordana, Ravic Nenad, Gavrilovic Milan, Financing and the Development of Innovativeness of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Republic of Serbia, INSIGHTS AND POTENTIAL SOURCESOF NEW ENTREPRENEURIAL GROWTH, First Edition April 2017, Filodiritto Publisher, pp. 157-170.
Đekić, M., Filipović, P., & Gavrilović, M. (2016). Forensic accounting and financial scams in the world. Economics: Theory and Practice, 9 (4), 71-86.
Gavrilovic M., Milosevic B., THE PROBLEMS OF LIQUIDITY AND SOLVENCY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA, International Conference Employment, Education and Entrepreneurship (4nd; 2015; Belgrade), Investment policies, industrial development and economic growth, ISBN 978-86-6069 -117-2 (FBEE), ISBN 978-1-4951-7657-9 (BCG), page 184-205.
Gavrilović M., Gavrilović J., FINANCING OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT PROJECTS VIA MUNICIPAL BONDS, International Conference Employment, Education and Entrepreneurship (3th; 2014; Belgrade), Finance, Insurance and Investment .- Belgrade: Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, ISBN 979 -86-6069-102-8, page 169-188.
Gavrilović M., Savić J., Gavrilović J., SPECIFICS OF VOLUNTARY HEALT INSURANCE AND DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN THE MARKET OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA, International Conference Employment, Education and Entrepreneurship (2nd; 2013; Belgrade), Part one: Entrepreneurship and economic development, ISBN 978-86-6069-094-6, page 251-266.