HamburgerJungeJr\FeUserCards\Domain\Model\ExtendedFrontendUserprototypepersistent entity (uid=3, pid=16)Title_eng => protected'ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR' (19 chars)
feUserCardsFax_eng => protected'' (0 chars)
Konsult => protected'test konsultacije 5:00 / 11:00' (30 chars)
feUserCardsOblast => protected'Marketing i menadžment' (23 chars)
feUserCardsOptions => protected'2' (1 chars)
feUserCardsOblast_eng => protected'Marketing and management' (24 chars)
feUserCardsPosition => protected'<p>Rođena u Beogradu 1982. godine gde je završila osnovnu školu i XI beog radsku gimnaziju, prirodno - matematički smer. Diplomirala je na Ekonomskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, na smeru Marketing. Poslediplomske studi je upisala je na Fakultetu za turizam i ugostiteljstvo u Ohridu i 2011. godi ne stekla zvanje magistra ekonomskih nauka, sa prosečnom ocenom 9,88 tokom studija. Novembra 2013. godine uspešno je odbranila doktorsku disertaciju n a Ekonomskom fakultetu Univerziteta za poslovni inženjering i menadžment i time stekla akademsko zvanje doktora ekonomskih nauka. Akademsku karijeru z apočinje marta 2008. godine na Visokoj poslovnoj školi strukovnih studija iz Čačka na mestu saradnika u nastavi. Od oktobra 2010. godine do danas, z aposlena je na Visokoj školi za poslovnu ekonomiju i preduzetništvo iz Beo grada, trenutno u zvanju vanrednog profesora. Oblasti profesionalnog interes ovanja su marketing i menadžment sa fokusom na marketinške komunikacije i privrednu propagandu. Autor je i recenzent brojnih naučnih radova i studija . Član je Naučnog odbora međunarodne naučne konferencije „Employment, Education and Entrepreneurship“ i nacionalno naučno-stručne konferencije sa međunarodnim učešćem „Trendovi u poslovanju”. Takođe je deo ure đivačkog odbora časopisa „International Review“ i „Trendovi u poslo vanju“. Član je Društva ekonomista Beograda. Od oktobra 2017. godine bav i se i organizacijom nastavnog procesa na Visokoj školi za poslovnu ekonomi ju i preduzetništvo na funkciji Pomoćnika direktora za nastavu.</p>
<p> </p>' (1600 chars)
feUserCardsPosition_eng => protected'<p>Born in Belgrade in 1982, where she finished elementary school and XI Bel grade Gymnasium, natural sciences and mathematics. She graduated from the Fa culty of Economics, University of Belgrade, majoring in Marketing. She enrol led in postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Manage ment in Ohrid, and in 2011 she obtained the title of Master of Economics, wi th an average grade of 9.88 during her studies. In November 2013, she succes sfully defended her doctoral dissertation at the Faculty of Economics, Unive rsity of Business Engineering and Management, and thus acquired the academic title of Doctor of Economics. He began his academic career in March 2008 at the Business School of Vocational Studies in Čačak as a teaching associat e. From October 2010 until today, she has been employed at the College of Bu siness Economics and Entrepreneurship in Belgrade, currently as an associate professor. Areas of professional interest are marketing and management with a focus on marketing communications and economic propaganda. He is the auth or and reviewer of numerous scientific papers and studies. He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the international scientific conference "Employ ment, Education and Entrepreneurship" and the national scientific-profession al conference with international participation "Trends in Business". He is a lso part of the editorial board of the magazine "International Review" and " Trends in Business". She is a member of the Society of Economists of Belgrad e. Since October 2017, he has been organizing the teaching process at the Co llege of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship as the Assistant Teaching D irector.</p>' (1684 chars)
feUserCardsSorting => protected'<ol> <li>Milenković, N., Cogoljević, M.,Jovanović, D., Petrović, V., Stanković, M. - THE CORRELATION AND INTERACTION OF THE SUSTAINABILITY AND G LOBAL INNOVATION IN TRANSITION COUNTRIES, Applied Ecology And Environmen tal Research, ISSN 1589-1623,2019., pp. 1499-1516.</li> <li>Cogoljević, M. , Tošović Stevanović A, Nikitović, Z: INTERNATIONALIZATION OF MARKETING ACTIVITIES IN GLOBAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT, 41st International Scientific Con ference on Economic and Social Development– esd, 23-24 May 2019, ISSN 1849 -7535, str. 56-64</li> <li> Cogoljević, M., Vesić, T., Dimitrijević, Lj .: MARKETING TRENDS AND PERSPECTIVES ON THE BANK MARKET, Druga međunarodna naučna konferencija – ITEMA, Udruženje ekonomista i menadžera Balkana, 8.11.2018., Grac, ISBN: 978-86-80194-13-4, str. 628-632</li> <li>Jovanić T ., Cogoljević M., Pejović D. “BUY NATIONAL” CAMPAIGNS AND FOOD COUNTRY OF ORIGIN LABELING – EU LEGAL FRAMEWORK AND ITS RELEVANCE FOR SERBIA, Eco nomics of Agriculture, v. 65, n. 3, p. 1289-1302, sep. 2018. ISSN 2334-8453. </li> <li>Ignjatijević S., Cogoljević M., Milenković N., ECONOMIC ASSESS MENT OF SIGNIFICANCE OF EDUCATION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF A KNOWLEDGE – BASE D ECONOMY, Industrija, ISSN 0350-0373, No.3/2018, str. 185-200.</li> <li>Co goljevic, M., Vesic, T.,Dimitrijevic, Lj., Cogoljevic, V. (2018). The effect of marketing activities on the profitability of commercial banks in the Rep ublic of Serbia.Thematic Proceedings:New business tendencies, ISBN: 978-1-53 23-9957-2 str. 37-43. Rad je deo projekta New business tendencies No. IP1-03 /07-29/12-2018, research Interdisciplinary Project, Project Leader: Prof. Ed ita Kastratovic, PhD. Publisher: Bar Code Graphics, Chicago.</li> <li>Nikol ić M., Vesić T., Cogoljević M., Ilić B.: UPRAVLJANJE ZNANJEM KAO REŠENJ E PROTIV EKOLOŠKE KRIZE, Ecologica Vol. 25, No. 89,1/3-2018, Naučno-struč no društvo za zaštitu životne sredine Srbije, Beograd, ISSN-0354-3285, CO BISS.SR – ID 80263175,...' (4792 chars)
feUserCardsSorting_eng => protected'<ol> <li>Milenković, N., Cogoljević, M.,Jovanović, D., Petrović, V., Stanković, M. - THE CORRELATION AND INTERACTION OF THE SUSTAINABILITY AND G LOBAL INNOVATION IN TRANSITION COUNTRIES, Applied Ecology And Environmen tal Research, ISSN 1589-1623,2019., pp. 1499-1516.</li> <li>Cogoljević, M. , Tošović Stevanović A, Nikitović, Z: INTERNATIONALIZATION OF MARKETING ACTIVITIES IN GLOBAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT, 41st International Scientific Con ference on Economic and Social Development– esd, 23-24 May 2019, ISSN 1849 -7535, str. 56-64</li> <li> Cogoljević, M., Vesić, T., Dimitrijević, Lj .: MARKETING TRENDS AND PERSPECTIVES ON THE BANK MARKET, Druga međunarodna naučna konferencija – ITEMA, Udruženje ekonomista i menadžera Balkana, 8.11.2018., Grac, ISBN: 978-86-80194-13-4, str. 628-632</li> <li>Jovanić T ., Cogoljević M., Pejović D. “BUY NATIONAL” CAMPAIGNS AND FOOD COUNTRY OF ORIGIN LABELING – EU LEGAL FRAMEWORK AND ITS RELEVANCE FOR SERBIA, Eco nomics of Agriculture, v. 65, n. 3, p. 1289-1302, sep. 2018. ISSN 2334-8453. </li> <li>Ignjatijević S., Cogoljević M., Milenković N., ECONOMIC ASSESS MENT OF SIGNIFICANCE OF EDUCATION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF A KNOWLEDGE – BASE D ECONOMY, Industrija, ISSN 0350-0373, No.3/2018, str. 185-200.</li> <li>Co goljevic, M., Vesic, T.,Dimitrijevic, Lj., Cogoljevic, V. (2018). The effect of marketing activities on the profitability of commercial banks in the Rep ublic of Serbia.Thematic Proceedings:New business tendencies, ISBN: 978-1-53 23-9957-2 str. 37-43. Rad je deo projekta New business tendencies No. IP1-03 /07-29/12-2018, research Interdisciplinary Project, Project Leader: Prof. Ed ita Kastratovic, PhD. Publisher: Bar Code Graphics, Chicago.</li> <li>Nikol ić M., Vesić T., Cogoljević M., Ilić B.: UPRAVLJANJE ZNANJEM KAO REŠENJ E PROTIV EKOLOŠKE KRIZE, Ecologica Vol. 25, No. 89,1/3-2018, Naučno-struč no društvo za zaštitu životne sredine Srbije, Beograd, ISSN-0354-3285, CO BISS.SR – ID 80263175,...' (4792 chars)
feUserCardsMobile => protected'' (0 chars)
feUserCardsMobile_eng => protectedNULL
feUserCardsOption3 => protected'<ol> <li>Dimitrijević Lj., Cogoljević M., MARKETING, Visoka škola za pos lovnu ekonomiju i preduzetništvo, Beograd, 2017. god., ISBN 978-86-6069-122 -6, COBISS.SR-ID245232652</li> <li>Stošić-Mihajlović Lj., Nikolić M., C ogoljević M., ISTRAŽIVANJE MARKETINGA U SAVREMENOJ EKONOMIJI, Visoka škol a za poslovnu ekonomiju i preduzetništvo, Beograd, 2018. god. ISBN 978-86-6 069-148-6</li> <li>Cogoljević M., Dimitrijević Lj., Ravić N., STRATEGIJS KI MARKETING, Visoka škola za poslovnu ekonomiju i preduzetništvo, Beograd , 2019. god., ISBN 978-86-6069-164-6</li> </ol>' (579 chars)
feUserCardsOption3_eng => protected'<ol> <li>Dimitrijević Lj., Cogoljević M., MARKETING, College of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Belgrade, 2017, ISBN 978-86-6069-122-6, COBI SS.SR-ID245232652</li> <li>Stošić-Mihajlović Lj., Nikolić M., Cogoljevi ć M., MARKETING RESEARCH IN CONTEMPORARY ECONOMY, College of Business Econo mics and Entrepreneurship, Belgrade, 2018. ISBN 978-86-6069-148-6</li> <li> Cogoljević M., Dimitrijević Lj., Ravić N., STRATEGIC MARKETING, College o f Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Belgrade, 2019, ISBN 978-86-6069- 164-6</li> </ol>' (548 chars)
feUserCardsPdf => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (2 items)0000000016ddeb260000000024889933 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=117, pid=16)uidLocal => protected233 (integer)
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extensionName => 'FeUserCards' (11 chars)
vendorName => 'HamburgerJungeJr' (16 chars)
pluginName => 'SingleFeUserCard' (16 chars)
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uid => protected898 (integer)
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password => protected'$argon2i$v=19$m=65536,t=16,p=2$Sk5VMmF3YVZRL3pvS1pzVQ$Cc7mBDqhL89t6e0Gqbi6GX gUZsijvUE6ZAljS2M/RR4' (97 chars)
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middleName => protected'Dr' (2 chars)
lastName => protected'Cogoljević' (11 chars)
address => protected'test1234' (8 chars)
telephone => protected'' (0 chars)
fax => protected'Direktor za nastavu' (19 chars)
email => protected'' (28 chars)
lockToDomain => protected'' (0 chars)
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country => protected'' (0 chars)
www => protected'' (0 chars)
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sha1 => '1198f43cad41695d2207023978a5e600399d19c4' (40 chars)
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Visoka škola PEP - Visoka škola za poslovnu ekonomiju i preduzetništvo: Professors
Born in Belgrade in 1982, where she finished elementary school and XI Belgrade Gymnasium, natural sciences and mathematics. She graduated from the Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade, majoring in Marketing. She enrolled in postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management in Ohrid, and in 2011 she obtained the title of Master of Economics, with an average grade of 9.88 during her studies. In November 2013, she successfully defended her doctoral dissertation at the Faculty of Economics, University of Business Engineering and Management, and thus acquired the academic title of Doctor of Economics. He began his academic career in March 2008 at the Business School of Vocational Studies in Čačak as a teaching associate. From October 2010 until today, she has been employed at the College of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship in Belgrade, currently as an associate professor. Areas of professional interest are marketing and management with a focus on marketing communications and economic propaganda. He is the author and reviewer of numerous scientific papers and studies. He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the international scientific conference "Employment, Education and Entrepreneurship" and the national scientific-professional conference with international participation "Trends in Business". He is also part of the editorial board of the magazine "International Review" and "Trends in Business". She is a member of the Society of Economists of Belgrade. Since October 2017, he has been organizing the teaching process at the College of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship as the Assistant Teaching Director.
Milenković, N., Cogoljević, M.,Jovanović, D., Petrović, V., Stanković, M. - THE CORRELATION AND INTERACTION OF THE SUSTAINABILITY AND GLOBAL INNOVATION IN TRANSITION COUNTRIES, Applied Ecology And Environmental Research, ISSN 1589-1623,2019., pp. 1499-1516.
Cogoljević, M., Tošović Stevanović A, Nikitović, Z: INTERNATIONALIZATION OF MARKETING ACTIVITIES IN GLOBAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT, 41st International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development– esd, 23-24 May 2019, ISSN 1849-7535, str. 56-64
Cogoljević, M., Vesić, T., Dimitrijević, Lj.: MARKETING TRENDS AND PERSPECTIVES ON THE BANK MARKET, Druga međunarodna naučna konferencija – ITEMA, Udruženje ekonomista i menadžera Balkana, 8.11.2018., Grac, ISBN: 978-86-80194-13-4, str. 628-632
Jovanić T., Cogoljević M., Pejović D. “BUY NATIONAL” CAMPAIGNS AND FOOD COUNTRY OF ORIGIN LABELING – EU LEGAL FRAMEWORK AND ITS RELEVANCE FOR SERBIA, Economics of Agriculture, v. 65, n. 3, p. 1289-1302, sep. 2018. ISSN 2334-8453.
Ignjatijević S., Cogoljević M., Milenković N., ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE OF EDUCATION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF A KNOWLEDGE – BASED ECONOMY, Industrija, ISSN 0350-0373, No.3/2018, str. 185-200.
Cogoljevic, M., Vesic, T.,Dimitrijevic, Lj., Cogoljevic, V. (2018). The effect of marketing activities on the profitability of commercial banks in the Republic of Serbia.Thematic Proceedings:New business tendencies, ISBN: 978-1-5323-9957-2 str. 37-43. Rad je deo projekta New business tendencies No. IP1-03/07-29/12-2018, research Interdisciplinary Project, Project Leader: Prof. Edita Kastratovic, PhD. Publisher: Bar Code Graphics, Chicago.
Nikolić M., Vesić T., Cogoljević M., Ilić B.: UPRAVLJANJE ZNANJEM KAO REŠENJE PROTIV EKOLOŠKE KRIZE, Ecologica Vol. 25, No. 89,1/3-2018, Naučno-stručno društvo za zaštitu životne sredine Srbije, Beograd, ISSN-0354-3285, COBISS.SR – ID 80263175, str. 82-86., 2018. god.
S. Mitrović, A. Mitrović, M. Cogoljević, CONTRIBUTION OF AGRICULTURE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF SERBIA, Economics of Agriculture 2017, Vol.64, No.2 ISSN 0352-3462, pp.805-819
Cogoljević M., Dimitrijević Lj., Cogoljević V., RESEARCH ON THE INFLUENCE INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS AT ENTERPRISESBUSINESS IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA, ISSN: 1582-8859 (Recognized by CNCSIS B+Category), Vol 37, No. 2 (2017) Danibus Univesity of Galati, Rumanija
Cogoljević M., Andrejić M., Gligić Savić A., CHARACTERISTIC ASPECTS OF CONTROL AS PROCESS MANAGEMENT FUNCTION, Vojno delo, br.7, str. 412-423. 2017 god.
Vojteški I., Cogoljević M., ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN THE SERVICE SECTOR, 22nd International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development – "Legal Challenges of Modern World", Split, 29-30 June 2017, ISSN 1849-7535, str. 857-879
Nikolić M., Cogoljević M., ENTREPRENEURSHIP PROCESSES – STARTING FROM AN IDEA TO TOTAL CONTROL OF BUSINESS, VI International conference “Employment, Education and Enterpreneurship” Beograd, 2017.
Lj. Dimitrijevic, M. Cogoljević: MARKETING MANAGEMENT - A VIEW ON CONTEMPORARY PRACTICE, IV International conference “Employment, Education and Enterpreneurship”,, Beograd, 2015., ISBN 978-86-6069-115-8, zbornik radova Marketing, Business Law and Transformational Governance, str. 13-31.
M. Cogoljević, Lj. Dimitrijević: THE POTENTIAL OF THE INTERNET AS MARKETING MEDIA IN SERBIA, The third international conference “Employment, Education and Enterpreneurship”, October 15th-17th Belgrade, 2014. ISBN 978-86-6069-105-9, zbornik radova Managment, Marketing, and Communication: curent and future trends, str. 272-286.
Lj. Dimitrijevic, S. Vukadinović, M. Cogoljevic : CRITICAL FACTORS AND KEY FEATURES OF STRATEGIC CONTROL AND MARKETING AUDIT, AVADA 2014, CROMA journal, ISSN 2335-7959, No. 2, str.113-126.
M. Cogoljević, Lj. Dimitrijević, Z. Đuričić: IMC CONCEPT – AS A NECESSARY PRECONDITION FORMARKET SUCCESS OF SMEs, The second international conference “Employment, Education and Enterpreneurship”, October 16th-18th Belgrade, 2013. ISBN 978-86-6069-095-3, zbornik radova Volume 2, str. 272-288.
Lj. Dimitrijević, M. Cogoljević, Z. Dimitrijević: PRIVATE LABEL - THE COMPANY'S STRATEGY WILL BE A SUCCESSFUL, The second international conference “Employment, Education and Enterpreneurship”, October 16th-18th Belgrade, 2013. ISBN 978-86-6069-095-3, zbornik radova Volume 2, str. 316-330.
M. Cogoljević, Lj. Dimitrijević, S. Vujičić: DETERMINANTS OF INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPMENT, Svet rada, ISSN 1451-7841, Vol. 3, 2013god, str. 366-372.
Dimitrijević Lj., Cogoljević M., MARKETING, College of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Belgrade, 2017, ISBN 978-86-6069-122-6, COBISS.SR-ID245232652
Stošić-Mihajlović Lj., Nikolić M., Cogoljević M., MARKETING RESEARCH IN CONTEMPORARY ECONOMY, College of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Belgrade, 2018. ISBN 978-86-6069-148-6
Cogoljević M., Dimitrijević Lj., Ravić N., STRATEGIC MARKETING, College of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Belgrade, 2019, ISBN 978-86-6069-164-6